Hoda Kotb is sharing some adorable photos with her 1-year-old daughter, Haley Joy, as they celebrated Mother’s Day together on May 13. As reported by Celebrity Baby Scoop , the Today anchor shared some very sweet photos of herself and her daughter across social media over the weekend, shortly before the journalist and her co-star, Savannah Guthrie, are set to fly over to England to cover Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal wedding for NBC.
Kotb shared some adorable family snaps with the world via her Instagram account on May 13, first posting an early morning photo with Haley Joy and her mom as they all prepared to spend Mother’s Day together while joking that it was an early morning photoshoot for the trio.
“Pre dawn photo shoots in bed are a blast…happy Mother’s Day from Haley, my mom and me!” Hoda captioned the snaps. “Click through!”
The star then uploaded a number of pictures showing herself, little Haley, and her mom, Sameha, all posing together in bed on the Sunday morning, seemingly all wearing their pajamas.
Today reports that Hoda then continued to post adorable photos throughout the day on Sunday, including one showing her boyfriend of five years, Joel Schiffman, making her breakfast before uploading another snap of herself playing with Haley while wearing a gray sweater with the word “Mama” written on it.
She also posted a snap of little Haley Joy playing with her mom by squeezing her cheeks , as well as a sweet mom quote from Kate Hudson, who is the daughter of Goldie Hawn.
Posting the quote from the actress, which read , “My mom is my life. She is literally the love of my life,” in the early hours of May 15, Kotb wrote, “I know it’s a day late.. but here is your Monday mother’s day quote xxx.”
Hoda’s sweet Mother’s Day photos came shortly after she spoke to People about how the holiday has a whole new meaning to her now that she’s a mom herself to 1-year-old Haley Joy, who she and Joel announced in February, 2017, that they had adopted together.
She told the site last week that her big plans for Mother’s Day included for her, Haley Joy, her mom, and Joel to have a beach day together, getting away from New York City for the day.
“For 53 Mother’s Days, it’s been about my mom and getting my mom flowers, and it’s just so crazy,” Kotb said of her experiences now that she’s become a mom herself.
Hoda added, “I still have moments now where I wake up in the middle of the night and look over at Joel and think to myself, ‘Oh my God. I have a baby in the other room.’ I can’t even believe that it’s really real.”
“Imagine living your whole life one way, and then suddenly everything changes and you can’t believe that you get to do that,” Kotb said of her long time dream to have a family of her own, which finally came true in early 2017.
“I’ve dreamed of it, but I didn’t think it would happen, so on Mother’s Day, it’s underscored” Hoda continued, before then sweetly adding during the interview with the outlet that Mother’s Day now “has a whole different meaning” to her since adopting Haley Joy more than a year ago.