Whereas much of the fashion world may have been watching the Oscars and the dresses that showed up on the red carpet, folks also had their eyes on First Lady Melania Trump on Sunday, February 26. As seen in the above photo, Mrs. Trump donned a black dress when Melania hosted the annual Governors’ Dinner. The White House uploaded the following video, titled “The Governor’s Ball,” which displayed Mr. Trump giving Melania praise for the manner in which the White House was decorated, calling it perhaps the best the place has ever looked, to much applause.
The following photo shows President Trump dressed in a black tuxedo, a black tie, and a white shirt as Mr. Trump walked past Mrs. Trump as he planned to take his seat after giving a toast. Mr. Trump’s toast can be seen in the below video from Fox 5 , which streamed the more than five-minute long video on Facebook Live.
The Governors’ Dinner took place with President Trump and Mrs. Trump and others in the East Room of the White House. It was hailed as the first formal event that Mr. and Mrs. Trump hosted at the White House since becoming occupants last month. The dinner was part of the National Governors Association’s yearly meeting in Washington, D.C.
As reported by the Daily Mail , the dinner represented a huge hosting job for Melania, who chose a theme of “Spring’s Renewal” for the White House event.
Melania issued a statement about the special dinner, as republished in part below.
Mrs. Trump spoke of the “the scents of jasmine and roses fill the air as we give thanks for this great nation and the glory of renewal.”
Melania went on to welcome all the governors to the White House — the number of which was described as the highest amount of governors in the White House for the special annual dinner ever, according to Mr. Trump.
“I am proud to invite all the governors to the White House for this important annual event. Tonight, we come together as one Nation, leaving political labels and partisan interests behind.”
Melania’s black dress can be seen from a better angle in the below video, as the crowd stood and applauded as Mr. and Mrs. Trump entered the dinner. Mr. Trump pulled out Melania’s chair for her, but as the crowd continued to stand, Mrs. Trump stood as well. As seen in the below video, Mr. Trump touched Mrs. Trump’s back before he took the podium to give his opening talk.
With the White House ball taking place simultaneously with the Academy Awards, viewers interested in both events found themselves turning online to watch videos like the above live stream videos. Whether or not Mr. Trump will have any feedback about the Oscars via his Twitter page will be evident by Monday morning, most likely. Either way, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer noted that the Oscars conflicted with the Governors’ Dinner.
Ivanka Trump’s black gown can also be seen partially in the above video, which also displays the length of Melania’s black dress, which appears to be a floor-length type of sheath gown.
As reported by Yahoo Style , Ivanka’s strapless black dress may have been one that cost $4,295 from J. Mendel’s collection. The polka dot dress was a standout among the gowns worn at the Governors’ Ball on Sunday night. Ivanka posted a photo of the black dress on her Instagram account, as seen below. In the Instagram post, Ivanka noted that she was came from a monster truck rally to the Governors’ Dinner.
Jared Kushner also appeared in the photo, all dressed up next to Ivanka.
[Featured Image by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images]