When the hit television show Glee first premiered back in May of 2009, one of its breakout stars was Dianna Agron. Portraying the character of Quinn Fabray — the manipulative head cheerleader of William McKinley High — Dianna has been a main cast member for the first three seasons, with sporadic appearances thereafter (with a return in the final season ). Since then, Dianna has moved on to other projects and endeavors including roles in both I Am Number Four (with Alex Pettyfer and Teresa Palmer) and The Family (with Robert De Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer).
However, the most recent project that Dianna Agron participated in was a showcasing of her newly redecorated backyard of her mansion. One has to say just by the pictures alone, Dianna seems to have a simplistically beautiful life.
The pictures of Dianna Agron’s stunning backyard makeover was exclusively reported by Domaine Home . In it, Dianna talks about the challenges of redesigning her backyard right off the heels of redesigning the interior of her Los Angeles, California, mansion.
“There were things I wanted but was initially afraid of.”
Eventually, Dianna Agron followed her whimsical heart as she created a multi-layered garden that feels like it is an accumulation of both artistic history, timeless beauty, and eloquent formality. To truly show off her new backyard, Dianna and her friend, Chef Megan Mitchell, utilized it as the perfect setting for one of those picturesque, afternoon dinners one only reads about in romance books set in foreign islands in the midst of the Mediterranean.
The ever-lovely @diannaagron invited us to her home for a dreamy twilight dinner: http://t.co/bbZPoinH3d pic.twitter.com/1BALqs8g5B
— Domaine (@domainehome) November 20, 2014
This dinner party with @diannaagron was fairy tale stunning thanks to design by @TheMatFinish : http://t.co/FxsfBLOLs9 pic.twitter.com/bjnUmfHIFn — Domaine (@domainehome) November 21, 2014
Swoon. Even the food at @diannaagron ‘s backyard affair was amazing, thanks to @ChefMeganMitch : http://t.co/StrhCfNj59 pic.twitter.com/i7vhTsdFmH — Domaine (@domainehome) November 21, 2014
The dinner alone omits an ambiance of its own that is sure to melt hearts and one could surely get lost in thought lying in the shade. However, Gawker followed up. They simply ask how Dianna Agron was able to afford it all. They make it seem as if Dianna shouldn’t have the finances to pull off such beautiful extravagance simply because she has been off of Glee since 2011. Taking into account that Dianna isn’t exactly the biggest movie star in general, it is understandable why the article would ask such a question, though most people would recognize such a question entices jealousy.
Unfortunately, the original source does not provide answers to those questions. Dianna Agron makes it seem she wasn’t struggling financially despite her roles in Hollywood through the following statement.
“I knew I wanted many plants and mirrors, and for it to not be disjointed from the interior. I wanted there to be many options. A place to lounge in the sun, a dinning table for eating, painting, whatever we needed.”
What do you think about Dianna Agron’s brand, new backyard, and the romanticized dinner she had with friends? Are you in awe of her design? Do you wonder how Dianna could afford such beauty despite not being in anything major career-wise since 2011?
[Images via Domaine ]