The Fox animated television series Family Guy has paid homage to Carrie Fisher, two years after the actor’s death.
Fisher, who died in 2016 at age 60, did have ties to the show, voicing a semi-recurring character named Angela who served as Peter Griffin’s boss at the brewery he worked at. It was through her character that Peter, voiced by show’s creator Seth MacFarlane, paid his respects to Fisher, in a humorous fashion that she no doubt would have loved.
Peter eulogized Angela in the episode that aired this past Sunday, according to reporting from E! News . In the speech, Peter said that Angela “pretty much epitomized class” — after citing the wrong definition of the word in his speech, as “a group of students gathered at a preordained time for the purposes of education.”
The humor in the speech didn’t end there. Peter continued to pay his respects to his former employer by speaking the lyrics from popular television shows over the past few decades, including The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Friends, Cheers, and curiously, the lyric-less show Sanford and Son.
The manner in which his boss died was also meant to be comically. While Fisher herself died of sleep apnea, according to reporting from the Independent , Peter’s boss Angela died “doing what she loved, swimming less than 20 minutes after she had eaten” — a real thing, he warns the children listening to his speech (it’s not, according to Duke Health , which warns at worst you should expect a small cramp).
Despite the eulogy from Peter being directed toward his fictional boss, there were subtle hints throughout the message that were obviously meant to honor the voice behind the character. Peter described Fisher as “fearless, spontaneous, and honest, about herself just as much as she was about the world around her.”
He also noted that she’d live on in other media long after her death, making a subtle nod to her character in Star Wars while doing so.
“She had grace, courage, and an unmatched zest for life. She may be gone, but her voice will live on in DVD and Hulu Plus, and tiny droid-projected messages.”
Peter ended his eulogy with one more tear-jerking statement, stating that “heaven has gained a Princess.”
But, being a comedy program, Family Guy didn’t end the note on such a sad tone. With the camera zooming out, Peter, surrounded by what appears to be an Asian-American family at the cemetery he was speaking at, realizes, “I am at the wrong funeral.”