Another Big Brother 21 live show is coming up Thursday night, and spoilers from the live feeds can give fans a good sense of how things are shaping up for the next eviction. Holly Allen is the Head of Household and the nominees are Nick Maccarone and Christie Murphy. All signs point toward Nick heading to the jury house, but could there be a reset or other twist coming to shake up that plan?
Nick has been Holly’s target all week, but he has tried to talk Holly, Jackson Michie, and the other BB21 houseguests into making a shift. As spoiler Twitter account @BB_Updates detailed on Wednesday, Nick worked to convince Cliff Hogg that he’s been more honest than Christie has. Nick has promised Holly and Jackson he’d be loyal to them, and he felt reasonably certain that he still had Nicole Anthony’s support.
As Nick has done some moderate campaigning, Christie has been working to cover her bases too. Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds note that she talked with Holly and Jackson about remaining tight with them and hoping that either Jessica Milagros or Tommy Bracco win Head of Household if she or Jackson don’t.
Christie talked with Cliff about being something of a free agent and how she could see herself working with him. She mentioned how much of a threat Jackson is and suggested that Jackson and Holly need to go on the block together. However, when she’s back with either Jackson or Holly, she talks a lot about sticking with them.
Fill in the blank:
I want __________ to leave the #BB21 house tonight.
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 29, 2019
While both Nick and Christie are threats to keep around, Big Brother spoilers suggest that Nick seems to worry people more than Christie does at this point. As of Thursday afternoon’s live feeds, it’s clear that Nick realizes that he doesn’t have the votes to stay. However, he is hoping that he might get to tackle a Battle Back competition or get lucky with a game reset or a twist that allows him to stay in the house.
This has been “Prank Week” in the BB21 house, but it doesn’t appear that there are any pranks on the horizon that will give Nick a chance to stay in the house. According to Big Brother Network , there’s an endurance competition coming up for the next Head of Household, and this may well be a key one to win.
Whether Nick Maccarone or Christie Murphy stays, fans will be quite anxious to see how the next Head of Household competition plays out. Who will stick together as the next eviction looms and who will turn their back on promises they made? Stay tuned for additional Big Brother 21 spoilers as the game transitions into another week to see what happens next.