Vladimir Putin is either a giant perv or a giant prankster. Either way, he had many observers scratching their heads Monday when he appeared to draw an X-rated image on a whiteboard during a visit at a Russian middle school.
Video of Putin’s visit started making the rounds Tuesday. The story behind the clip (for the Russian impaired) is meek enough; the Russian president was merely entertaining students with a sketch on the classroom’s new smartboard.
But it was what he drew, and what he said, that raised a few eyebrows.
“This is for you to remember,” he said before sketching something that really defies G-rated interpretation. Luckily, it seemed to fly right over the heads of the students in class, causing Putin to admit “It’s a cat — from the back.”
And everyone let out a unanimous sigh of relief.
The crew over at MSNBC’s Morning Joe had, arguably, the most fun with Putin’s unintentionally hilarious sketch.
Though members of the panel actually did guess the correct answer pretty quickly, they backed off for the preferred “something very bad that happened to a Russian genitalia.”
Word from America to Putin: Stick to fishing , hunting tigers, riding horses while shirtless, judo… really anything other than drawing. No one can be good at everything, comrade.
Check out the video of Vladimir Putin’s nearly X-rated classroom drawing above, and let us know whether you think he was trolling everyone or if he’s just not a great artist.