Despite parents’ pleas, Facebook has yet to shut down a page titled “12-Year-Old Slut Memes,” a self-proclaimed “slut shaming” page. Run by two Australian teenagers, the Facebook page is dedicated to harassing and embarrassing young girls who post promiscuous or sexual content on Facebook. Although Facebook states in their guidelines that users are not allowed to harass, intimidate, or use hate speech, so far the company has refused to remove the 19-year-olds’ page from circulating.
Facebook standards state these guidelines : Users “will not bully, intimidate, or harass any user.” Users “will not post content that: is hate speech, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.” The company goes on, however, to state that it allows “clear attempts at humor or satire that might otherwise be considered a possible threat or attack. This includes content that many people may find to be in bad taste.”
According to The Stir , an “angry petition” has been thus far unsuccessful. The Stir asserts that parents “should be” angry, and that “two grown men have no business picking on young girls.” The article goes on to suggest that “the very words ‘slut shaming’ are despicable.” Among other statements of purpose liberally posted throughout the page is this one: “If you post slutty f***ing sh** on facebook expect your photo to end up on here, then tagged in, then ripped to shreds by 120 thousand people. Chaos will continue. Go die.” The page was created on August 26. As of today, the page has nearly 215,000 likes. started a petition to ban the page, stating that “such content encourages violence towards minors, expecially when it is tolerated and laws are not enforced by the authorities. Furthermore, it contravenes the Facebook policy against ‘hate speech’.” A Facebook spokesperson, however, told BuzzFeed Shift , “We recognize the concern that this offensive Page has caused, and while we find this Page distasteful, it does not currently violate our terms.” The representative added that the page “does not pose a material threat to anyone’s safety.”
A posted note from the page’s editors comments humorously on the threat of closure:
“Due to the amount of legal strife that we have been running into about the group, and the fact that we are just two 19 year old guys that obviously can’t afford a law suit to their name, we have regrettably decided to close the page, permanently. I know we have lots of devoted fans that come on here to see the countless arguments and dumb sluts trying to justify themselves, sometimes it’s just too personally detrimental to have something like this group and it has to die.
We’ll miss you guys. Thanks for everything guys.
Dom James.
Nahhhhhh, just gammin’. As long as there are sluts, we will put them in their place. Keep the submissions coming guys. We’re not going anywhere. x”
Readers: What do you think? Should this page be allowed to keep shaming young girls and guys whom other deem “sluts”? Or does this really qualify as a “hate crime”?