Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
The results are in for the Week 9 Power of Veto (POV) competition! As previously revealed by The Inquisitr , Holly Allen nominated Nick Maccarone for eviction and Nick was allowed to nominate another houseguest as part of the America’s Prankster twist. Nick put up his number one target, Christie Murphy. In addition to the current Head of Household (HOH) and the two nominees, Cliff Hogg, Jessica Milagros, and Jackson Michie were selected to play in the POV which took place Saturday evening.
When the feeds returned after a lengthy POV, it was revealed by @BB_Updates on Twitter that Jackson walked away with the victory. Immediate conversations after the competition suggest Jackson will not use the POV and keep nominations the same. If Nick or Christie is pulled off the block, the only houseguests who can go up in their place are Tommy Bracco, Nicole Anthony, Cliff, or Jessica.
Jackson currently has a rumored final four deal with Cliff, Nicole, and Holly, meaning he will likely keep the two nominees on the block no matter what. Nick was shown breaking down after the POV and asked Jackson why he gunned for the victory when he didn’t need to. Jackson noted that he was afraid of going up as a replacement nominee and he had to win it for his safety. Nick then responded that he wouldn’t have put Jackson up, which suggests at some point over the last few hours Nick revealed that he was America’s Prankster.
Who do you think is more of a target going into next week? #BB21 pic.twitter.com/o3zBXIY42a
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 23, 2019
Based on current conversations, it looks like the houseguests are going to vote as follows on Thursday.
- Tommy voting to evict Nick
- Jessica voting to evict Nick
- Nicole is unknown
- Cliff voting to evict Nick
- Jackson voting to evict Nick
Remember, anything is subject to change in the Big Brother house. Nicole is currently very close to Nick but she doesn’t seem like she has a shot at keeping him safe. She is also in the rumored final four with Holly, Jackson, and Cliff meaning she should stick with her allies. The house has also been following tradition this season with going with the HOH’s wishes, and Holly has made it clear she wants Nick gone.
It’s your chance to select a Houseguest to be a Prankster! The winner of the vote will prank the HOH by secretly controlling one of this week’s nominees. Vote now: https://t.co/FpCHXuOg5x #BB21 pic.twitter.com/PHednymqhZ
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 23, 2019
After the POV competition, many of the houseguests began talking about their zings that they received from Zingbot. Julie Chen announced on Thursday’s live show that Zingbot would be visiting in Week 9, and it looks like he might have hosted the POV competition as well. Conversations suggested some of the houseguests were upset with their zings, which should play out in either Sunday night or Wednesday night’s episode.
Big Brother airs every Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday nights on CBS.