Trayvoning is the latest selfie trend to hit social media, and much like “Tebowing” and “Teo’ing” before it, it involves uploading a pic to a social site like Instagram in a recognizable pose.
But… Trayvoning is, of course, much darker. While Tebowing was marked by assuming a pose frequently used by Tim Tebow, and Teo’ing was (slightly crueler) and meant posing with an imaginary lover, Trayvoning is probably exactly what you’d hope it isn’t.
Users on sites like Twitter and Instagram have mocking the dead teen for some time by Trayvoning, but Global Grind reports that the trend is back — and now that images of Martin’s body have sadly been seen by most on social sites, users are positioning themselves with iced tea and Skittles to evoke the victim’s lifeless body.
Global Grind says :
“While the enlightened people of the world black out their social media avatars in support of Trayvon Martin , the less sensitive bring back the “Trayvoning” trend that took over the internet last year, proving once again that we have a long way to go. And more than that, we understand if you’ve lost all hope for humanity.”
Way back when it started, the site opined:
“And I know that those posing are chalking it up to good humor, but it’s not funny; there’s nothing funny about poking fun at an unarmed teenager who was shot and killed for looking ‘suspicious.’ ”
Over on Twitter, Trayvoning is attracting a lot of angry attention:
I’m not a racist, this #Trayvoning thing makes me upset at white people…
— TebzMercurio (@_Tebz_) July 12, 2013
Kids in America are laying down on roads with a hoodie on, skittles/drink in hand and taking pictures labeling it “trayvoning”? Disgusting.
— Vijay Sadanani (@VijaySadanani) July 11, 2013
A new Internet meme called “Trayvoning” is catching on very quickly online. A new “Trayvoning” page on Facebook…
— TheBigStation93BLX (@93BLX) July 5, 2013
But some seem to think it’s funny:
— Creepy Ass Cracker (@evil_laurel) July 2, 2013
What do you think about the Trayvoning meme?