Beloved Disney character Minnie Mouse has received a designer makeover.
Gone is the trademark polka dotted red dress, hair bow, and too big yellow shoes. And who can forget the white bloomers and gloves?
The Minnie Mouse of your childhood has upgraded her wardrobe, opting for a more mature look in a long-sleeved, bejeweled hourglass royal blue gown with padded shoulders. Topping off the look is a brilliant red tiara and silver shoes. In an homage to her signature look, Minnie retains her white gloves.
Would Walt Disney approve of the update to the character he created 85 years ago?
“Walt Disney was the one that actually designed Minnie. It’s the first time an actual designer has come into the picture and designed a dress for her,” said Lanvin designer Alber Elbaz after a Disneyland Paris catwalk show Saturday evening. “It was a great challenge and responsibility to do. I just wanted her to shine.…I wanted to give her a crown in red, and the dress in blue, [a signature] for Lanvin.”
The look was generally well-received by the audience, but not everyone liked Minnie Mouse’s new look . One audience member said Minnie’s new look was “a bit mother of the bride” and that he preferred her polka dotted dress. If it’s any consolation to fans of Minnie’s signature look, she’ll be keeping her red and white look for regular events. The gown is specifically for special Paris events.
Minnie Mouse was originally designed as a “flapper” girl, which was a young woman in the 1920s who wore bobbed hair and short skirts. She wore a hat with a flower sticking out and a polka dotted short skirt but no shirt.
Minnie received her first redesign into her iconic red and white polka dots in the 1940s. Her hat was replaced with the oversized bow, and red bows were added to her yellow shoes. She also wore a red shirt and red skirt with white polka dots. The shirt was later changed to red polka dotted dress and the red bows were removed from the shoes.
Acknowledging that Minnie’s new look isn’t for everyone, Alber Elbaz said, “We’re not here to transform people. We love her the way she is.”
You can see Minnie Mouse in her first ever appearance in the 1928 short Steamboat Willie below. You can also check out Lanvin’s Minnie Mouse makeover.
What do you think of Minnie Mouse’s new look?