David Girton, the blond surfer dude who looks like Rex Manning from Empire Records was evicted from the Big Brother house during week 1, is still hoping racist airhead Aaryn Gries wins the competition, despite all of that mean, stupid crap she said.
The former contestant told TMZ that he didn’t actually hear Aaryn say anything racist while he was in the house, but admitted that he was “shocked” when he saw the live feeds.
“People are saying I’m racist too because I was with Aaryn,” David said “That is not me.”
“Because I was with Aaryn” = They made out one time.
Though David doesn’t seem to understand that racism is not contagious (actually, maybe it is ), he doesn’t think Aaryn is a bigot, and admitted that he’s still rooting for his former make-out buddy. He will, however, keep an eye on Big Brother just in case Aaryn reveals her “true colors.”
Interesting choice of words.
Also, David’s mom is apparently thrilled that he isn’t on Big Brother anymore.
“My mom is glad I got off the show early. There are a lot of mean people on the show. She was worried that if I was on the show longer, they would have an impact on me.”
There’s a low-light reel of those “mean people” saying mean, racist and homophobic things below. This strange, vulgar phenomenon made headlines last week after Aaryn and another housemate, GinaMarie Zimmerman, lost their day jobs over some of the awful things they said.
Since Big Brother episodes on CBS are actually aggregated from live and uncensored 24/7 feeds of the housemembers available online, there are plenty of opportunities for the cast members to show their “true colors” and plenty of people watching them.
Though Big Brother 15 has showcased some of the most offensive, shallow and petty cast members probably ever, CBS has maintained their distance from such controversial comments by explaining that it’s just the nature of the beast and there’s little they can do .