When Amber Heard filed for divorce from Johnny Depp, followed by a request for a restraining order accompanied with allegations that the actor had abused her throughout their relationship, she began a war. Each side has been defended by friends, with Team Depp contending that he is not an abuser and Team Heard challenging that defense with proof of domestic violence, including photos.
Now, the actor is showing off a new tattoo that has replaced his “SLIM” inking, which was a nickname for Amber. In place of the tattoo symbolizing his affection for Heard, Johnny is sporting a tattoo that reads “SCUM,” according to E News .
Also changed since Amber began divorce proceedings against the 53-year-old actor: A tattoo on his bicep of an attractive model that looked like Heard. Depp had the Amber lookalike ink blackened out.
Prior to Heard, 30, Johnny enjoyed several famous romantic relationships, including the mother of his two children, Vanessa Paradis, and an engagement with Winona Ryder,who co-starred with him in Edward Scissorhands . When the actor was dating Ryder, he honored their love with a tattoo as well, which read “Winona Forever.” Following their split in 1992, Depp altered that tattoo to symbolize the end of the romance, just as he did with Amber, changing it to “Wino Forever.”
In the ongoing debate over whether Heard is telling the truth about her allegations of domestic violence, the attorney representing Johnny has contended that Amber is motivated by the potential for financial gain.
“[Heard] is attempting to secure a premature financial resolution by alleging abuse,” claimed the actor’s lawyer.
Amber was granted a temporary restraining order against Johnny following her allegations of abuse. Although both the restraining order and divorce ultimately will be determined in a court of law, the war over which side is telling the truth continues to be waged in public and the media. Adding her own ammunition to that battle, Winona recently supported Depp.
“He was never, never that way towards me. Never abusive at all towards me,” stated Ryder. “I only know him as a really good, loving, caring guy who is very, very protective of the people that he loves.”
Although the two sides were expected to stage a showdown in the courtroomrecently over the request Amber made to extend her domestic violence restraining order, the legal face-off has been postponed, noted the New York Daily News.
“It was Johnny’s team’s request to continue (the) hearing,” an insider informed the Daily News .
The court granted the continuance, although the attorneys representing Amber did not want to postpone the hearing.
“[The attorneys for Heard] were ready to go forward,” added the source.
Amber was prepared to testify about her allegations. In addition to her own testimony, Heard had witnesses who were willing to speak in her defense, including Raquel Pennington and her fiancé, Joshua Drew, as well as iO Tillett Wright.
At this point, the next court hearing is set for August 15 and 16. A status conference will take place on August 2. Until those court hearings take place, the judge has extended the temporary restraining order. The terms of that order force Johnny to stay at least 100 yards away from Amber.
And although Amber is alleging physical abuse, the actor has not followed up with a declaration that could serve to counter her allegations. Instead, Laura Wasser, his attorney, challenged the charges of domestic violence from Heard with the implication that Amber wanted more money.
In response to the suggestion from Wasser that Amber claimed domestic violence only to get a “premature financial resolution,” Heard withdrew her temporary spousal support request.
As for the legal bills resulting from the divorce war, Depp just added to his bank account by selling two paintings by Jean-Michel Basquiat for $11.5 million, reported Vanity Fair .
In 2001, the actor bought a 1981 self-portrait of the artist for $578,000, which sold for $4.7 million. His second painting by Basquiat, “Pork,” also created in 1981, provided Johnny with an extra $6.8 million to fund his court battle. He has additional pieces from his Basquiat collection up for auction as well.
[Photo by Richard Vogel/AP Photo]