Nathan Kemnitz, a wounded veteran of the Iraq war, was inspected vigorously by a hoard of TSA agents at Sacramento Airport, all because he couldn’t raise his hand, which was injured in battle.
Mr Kemnitz was also ordered to take off his dress uniform because it possessed too much metal, and employees also searched underneath his medals, and swabbed his shoes for explosives.
Cpl. Nathan Kemnitz had previously been awarded a Purple Heart in 2004 for his efforts in Fallujah, Iraq, after he almost died due to an injury that he suffered when a roadside bomb exploded close to him.
Mr Kemnitz was in Sacramento to receive another award for his bravery, as he was set to be labelled the district’s veteran of the year. However during his expedition there, Mr Kemnitz was twice subjected to screenings as he entered Sacramento International Airport and the California State Capitol Buildings.
This was because Mr Kemnitz was unable to lift his right arm above his head, due to the injuries that he suffered.
Speaking of his public humiliation, Nathan Kemnitz stated, “At some places I’m treated like royalty and at some like a terrorist. There’s got to be something in the middle.”
He told Military Times , “My right arms doesn’t work. It’s a lot of hassle for me to do that,” which is what lead to the ordeal with the TSA agents. His traveling companion, Patricia Martin, decided to take pictures of the incident because she was so disturbed.
Ross Feinstein, a TSA spokesman, issued a statement, concering Mr Kemnitz’ treatment. Feinstein noted, “Our intent is to treat all injured service members and veterans with the dignity they deserve, As always, all passengers with disabilities and medical conditions are eligible for screening procedures sensitive to their particular disability, medical condition or other unique medical circumstance.”
He then added, “Transportation Security Officers have to resolve any anomaly detected at the checkpoint,’ Feinstein said. ‘As is standard procedure for all passengers, if travelers alarm when passing through a metal detector or an advanced imaging technology (AIT) unit, additional screening is required in order to resolve that anomaly.”
Do you think Nathan Kemnitz should have been treated with more respect? Or were the TSA agents just doing their jobs?