Hey guys, what’s better than Kate Upton ? If you answered “two Kate Uptons,” then this article is for you!
That’s right. A Kate Upton Doppelganger, clone, twin, etc. has been discovered by none other than the voluptuous Sports Illustrated cover girl herself.
Twitter user @Huliganjetta is a Russian woman named Ania, who describes herself as a “mail order bride in training” on her microblog. Ania bears an uncanny resemblance to supermodel Kate Upton, and took a picture of herself mimicking Upton’s famous Sports Illustrated cover with flowing blonde locks and an open winter coat revealing some massive cleavage.
Kate Upton spotted the doppelganger’s post and retweeted the picture with a simple “amazing!”
Once again, celebrities need to be careful who they retweet. Remember the story from this past weekend , when Justin Bieber retweeted a British teen’s post regarding his latest acoustic album? She mentioned that she was not really a fan of the Biebs, but really enjoyed Believe Acoustic anyway.
Hours later, Beliebers threatened suicide en masse, unable to cope with the attention the Canadian pop sensation gave to an admitted fair-weather fan.
Soon after that, death threats and other vulgar language began pouring in for the British teen, with many Beliebers demanding she take her own life, calling her a “whore,” and spreading a rumor that she is currently pregnant with Bieber’s child.
Upton’s retweet didn’t result in death threats for her doppelganger. But thousands of people flocked to Ania’s page and started following her , with some propositioning her (apparently taking that whole “mail order bride” thing pretty seriously).
Now, Kate Upton’s doppelganger has set her profile to “private,” and her tweets are protected, a clear signal that she has officially been scared away by the Internet.
Good job, pervs.
“@ huliganjettaa : Me as Kate Upton. @ kateupton #doppleganger twitter.com/Huliganjettaa/… “amazing!
— Kate Upton (@KateUpton) March 3, 2013
If you missed it, we’ve embedded the picture of Kate Upton’s doppelganger below, next to the Sports Illustrated cover she’s mimicking. Let us know what you think. The resemblance is uncanny, no?