Jenelle Evans shared her life on the hit MTV reality show Teen Mom 2 for nearly a decade. Fans followed her story from her first pregnancy up to her wedding and life with her husband, David Eason. MTV cut ties with the mom of three earlier this year, and fans have been wondering if there is a chance that she could return to the network in the future. On Thursday, Jenelle took to Instagram to answer some questions on her stories, and she revealed whether or not she will return to the network or the show.
“Are you ever coming back to MTV? Literally won’t watch tm2 if you aren’t on it,” one fan wrote.
Jenelle then replied, but it may not have been the answer fans were hoping to hear.
“Lol thanks, but honestly have no idea.”
Jenelle’s exit was announced earlier this year when MTV decided to cut ties with the longtime cast member. A spokesperson for MTV spoke out to Us Weekly at the time.
“MTV ended its relationship with David Eason over a year ago in February 2018 and has not filmed any new episodes of Teen Mom 2 with him since. Additionally, we have stopped filming with Jenelle Eason as of April 6, 2019 and have no plans to cover her story in the upcoming season.”
The statement came after Jenelle’s husband allegedly shot her French bulldog, Nugget. Reportedly, the dog had nipped at the couple’s 2-year-old daughter, Ensley. Following that incident, the couple’s children were removed from their care and placed with other family members. Jenelle and David spent weeks in and out of court in an effort to regain custody. Just before the Fourth of July, the case was dismissed and the children returned to Jenelle and David’s care.
A source told Hollywood Life last month that Jenelle documented her life during the custody battle and had hoped to have her own show so that she could get “her truth out there.”
During her Instagram question-and-answer session, Jenelle was also asked when fans could watch the video of Jenelle’s side of the custody battle.
Jenelle replied.
“There might be more to add to the story soon and it’s literally as long as a movie so I don’t know yet. Haven’t decided.”
Jade Cline replaced Jenelle Evans on Teen Mom 2 . The Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant star was added to the cast following Jenelle’s exit. The cast, including Jade, have reportedly been filming for the new season of Teen Mom 2.