A recent promotion on Facebook got the attention of many people, especially those who are WWE fans, when it claimed Dwayne Johnson (also known as “The Rock”) was “jailed in prison” for a product known as Alpha Fuel XT. Besides the initial shock of the news of Johnson being arrested, the promotion has caused many to seek out Alpha Fuel XT. Apparently, it was nothing more than a scam using shock advertising to get gullible people to buy a product.
For those who do not know about the Facebook advertisements, they claimed Dwayne Johnson was arrested in Australia for importing human growth hormone (HGH). The ads link to articles that either they state they are from Rolling Stoneor ESPN, detailing Johnson’s arrest.
According to the linked articles, they claim that Dwayne Johnson’s response to accusations he was importing HGH was “not a complete denial” Upon further detail in the articles, the denial is that Johnson did not import HGH, but he did import in a supplement known as Alpha, an advanced testosterone booster.
The articles also claim that Johnson may have jeopardized his career in acting because the movie studios and networks are pushing to ban Alpha for two reasons. The first is the product is “clinically proven” to boost muscle mass by 150 percent, causing an aging movie star like Johnson to go longer in movie sequels, but they also push his body’s limits. The second is the supplements do not have to be used in conjunction with a gym workout causing an epidemic of actors competing for roles requiring strength.
The articles even go as far as to say the staff at either Rolling Stone or ESPN did an in-house study on themselves and were shocked with the satisfying results. The “author” of the article — named Ryan Hasman in the ESPN article — claims he lost 14 pounds of body fat and gained 16 pounds back in muscle in just one month.
Where it gets peculiar is the fact the links in the Rolling Stone and ESPN articles do not work unless they are links to Alpha. Even the Facebook commenting widget located at the bottom of the article does not work. Second, the latter half of the article seems to be nothing more than a huge promotion for the “enhanced” version of Alpha, Alpha Fuel XT. Third, the featured image in said articles are a screen capture of one of Dwayne Johnson’s movies, Central Intelligence. And for those who are surely internet savvy, the Rolling Stones and ESPN articles don’t even link to Rolling Stones or ESPN.
Summarized, the articles claiming Dwayne Johnson was arrested for importing Alpha, which was mistaken for HGH are, as mentioned earlier, a scam to get gullible people to buy the product.
What would make the product even worse would be if it did not work. Thankfully, many legit supplement sites have fact checked Alpha Fuel XT. According to the critique provided by Supplement Critique , there are three major reasons why people should not buy Alpha Fuel XT . One of the reasons is personal as the reviewer, Rob Miller, says he never saw results from using it.
However, the other two reasons are good enough reasons why not to buy it. The first is the false and deceptive advertising practices. Besides manipulating an angle on Dwayne Johnson being arrested in Australia, they also got an actor on Fiverr , a website where actors solicit their services for product reviews and testimonials , to play a satisfied user for a YouTube video.
So, why all the manipulation and deception, especially at the expense of Dwayne Johnson? It all comes down to the third reason why not to buy Alpha Fuel XT, which is the price. Buying Alpha Fuel XT directly through their official website auto-ship program will cost $95 USD. Tack on the taxes along with shipping and handling, it may cost over $100 per month.
The only pro stated for Alpha Fuel XT are the natural ingredients, which are either proven to work or still being researched. For example, one of the major ingredients used in Alpha Fuel XT is long jack root, and it is one of the few proven testosterone-boosting ingredients.
If the scammers behind Alpha Fuel XT wanted some credence added to their false advertising by using factual reports of Dwayne Johnson being arrested, they would have to dig in his past back to his teenage years. During an interview for Metro for Tooth Fairy promotions, Dwayne Johnson detailed how he was a “bad boy” in his younger years .
“Oh, I got in trouble a lot when I was younger. By the time I was 16, I had been arrested eight or nine times for a variety of things, terrible things that I shouldn’??t have been doing.”
Ultimately, the biggest reason why false articles on Dwayne Johnson being arrested for importing HGH are being believed now is because it was highly-promoted for a product on Facebook despite the fake news story being over a year old. Johnson probably has experience dealing with such libel. As for the people who were scammed, until an individual or group steps up and directly puts the people behind Alpha Fuel XT on legal notice, there will be more people added to the list of victims.
[Photo by Sergi Alexander/Getty Images for HBO]