Despite plenty of evidence pointing to the contrary, there are still people in this world who believe that the Earth is flat. The Flat Earth Society firmly believes that traveling too far to the edge of the world will result in one falling off it, and Netflix decided to capitalize on that with a new documentary.
Behind The Curve follows these conspiracy theorists as they attempt to prove and explain their theory that the Earth is actually not round at all, according to Metro UK .
Daniel J. Clark, the creator of the documentary, has warned that mocking people for believing something that has been proven incorrect for many years already likely won’t do anything to change their minds.
“Shaming someone doesn’t change the way they feel about something. In fact, it probably just reinforces it and they become more entrenched in their belief. So approaching it from the angle of, ‘I see where you’re coming from, now here’s where I’m coming from,’ is better.”
Flat Earthers seemed to be enthralled by the documentary despite the fact that one of their own managed to disprove his theory with an experiment. Those who fall on the side of provable fact and have taken science to be true had plenty of eye-roll-worthy moments, not least of which was that failed experiment.
The response to the documentary was such that Netflix felt compelled to respond to the masses, taking to their Twitter account with a rather simple message that is hopefully not too vague in its assurance of the streaming giant’s stance on the matter.
Following the responses to Behind The Curve please see below for our official statement on the shape of the Earth. We cannot take questions at this time.
— Netflix UK & Ireland (@NetflixUK) March 11, 2019
People took to the tweet in droves, with some suggesting the correct term is spherical, given that a plate can also be round but still flat.
Others suggested the Earth is actually “round and flat. Carried by four elephants on the back of a giant turtle.”
Another would prefer if the Earth was the same shape as a 3D dinosaur. Others feigned shock with hilarious memes from popular television shows.
The failed experiment during the documentary involved a $20,000 gyroscope which picked up a “15 degree per hour drift,” according to Unilad .
Flat Earth YouTube channel host Bob Knodel was not happy with the result of the experiment, making it clear it would not dissuade him from his beliefs.
“Now, obviously we were taken aback by that. We obviously were not willing to accept that, and so we started looking for ways to disprove it was actually registering the motion of the Earth. What I just told you was confidential.”
In other words, even their own experiment proving them wrong is not quite enough evidence for some in the Flat Earth Society.