Jessa Duggar shared new and breathtaking photos of her three children to Instagram in two separate posts. She gave fans and followers an update on how her young family is doing while the Duggar clan’s TLC series, Counting On, is on hiatus.
In the first of two photo uploads, Jessa shared images of her third child and only daughter, Ivy Jane . The 8-month-old was seen in a child-safe seat in the pic. The seat featured a colorful back, and the baby had a bright green tray in front of her.
Ivy, who was holding a small bell pepper, smiled for the camera and then began nibbling on the vegetable while Jessa snapped photos.
Jessa dressed the baby in an adorable gray long-sleeved shirt that had cute ruffles on the shoulders. Ivy’s stunning looks, a mix of those shared by Jessa and husband Ben Seewald, were on full display. Fans commented on one of the little girl’s most breathtaking features — her wide eyes, which appeared full of delight as she munched on her snack.
In the second photo upload, Jessa featured her sons, Spurgeon and Henry, ages 5 and 2 1/2, respectively. The handsome toddlers were dressed to impress in a photo taken in a wooded area near their Arkansas home.
Spurgeon has his arm wrapped protectively around Henry in the image. Spurgeon sported a smile that looked just like his mother’s as he posed wearing a plaid shirt, oversized black jacket, and dark pants. Henry was adorable in a white button-up shirt, gray suit jacket and dark pants.
Fans were thrilled by the newest photos of the Seewald children and shared their sentiments regarding the young family in the comments sections of both updates.
“This photo is ‘hang on the wall’ worthy. So precious,” remarked one admirer on the photo of the two brothers, whom Jessa called “best friends” in the image’s caption.
“You seriously make the prettiest babies,” said a second user, adding a smiley face emoji with heart eyes.
“Oh my goodness! Those eyes!! So beautiful!!” said a third follower of the reality star, commenting on the stunning images of Ivy.
Besides her regular photos, Jessa also posts snippets of YouTube videos she creates, where she shares beauty tips, organizational ideas, and ways to manage money.
In her latest video, which Jessa shared on January 22, the Counting On star spoke about her family’s clothing budget. She explained how she saves cash by purchasing items on consignment, and she also gave tips on determining when it is time to donate items her family no longer finds useful.