When Brianna started dating her child’s father in high school, she had no idea that he would eventually leave her gasping for air and holding her chest after a bloody attack inside her vehicle.
It had started off innocently enough. Brianna thought Trent was the guy that she would be with for a while. Even though, he was her same age, he had a maturity about him that the other guys just didn’t seem to have. Also, he was an Aquarius, just like Brianna, making her believe that this connection was meant to be.
In addition to all of that, he was cute, and he had a way about him that made her swoon. As the two became closer, their love union produced a beautiful baby boy. But, the relationship with Trent hadn’t at all turned out the way that Brianna expected.
Looking back, the first sign of trouble was manifested in how he treated his own mother. It wasn’t anything big in the beginning, but before long, Brianna started to see that Trent was extremely disrespectful to his mother. From there, she saw him yelling at her, and even throwing things. Startled, Brianna knew by this point that what she was seeing in Trent wasn’t good, and it was possible that he could begin unleashing that same type of anger on her, or worse, on her son, someday. What Brianna didn’t realize was that “someday” was just around the corner.
By now, Trent had totally changed, and his level of aggression had arisen rapidly. Brianna was starting to see holes in the walls at his grandmother’s house, and she personally witnessed him throwing chairs, mirrors, and lamps across the room.
But when Trent became so angry that he threw not only Brianna’s clothes and shoes in the street but those of her son, she knew it was time to leave. Plus, they had already began having altercations in front of her son, something that Brianna found completely unacceptable, since she is a very protective mother who makes sure that she has her son around good people.
Brianna eventually broke it off with Trent but did her best to co-parent with him, never denying him a chance to visit with his son. However, it seemed that Trent had no real interest in his son at all. His obsession seemed to be with her, and he wanted to know if she had a new guy in her life.
Our 24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline: 253.383.2593 #PierceCounty #Tacoma #DVadvocates #Safety pic.twitter.com/3KJFetw20k
— YWCA Pierce County (@ywcapierceco) June 17, 2016
At times, Trent’s phone calls became harassing and threatening. But, there were times when things were normal. In fact, everything seemed fine the day that Brianna got a call from Trent, asking her to pick him up so they could pick up some money to go summer shopping for her son.
When he entered the vehicle, she had no clue what was about to happen next. In her own words, she describes the terrifying event.
“I was in the car with the father of my child, and he started asking different questions about my new friend, and at the end of the conversation, he said, ‘That’s okay I have something for him too.’ I didn’t take it that seriously, to me, it was just him speaking out of anger.
“Nothing seemed different about him until we got across town, and he began to hesitate about the directions to where we were headed, so he told me to pull into an alley behind some houses. I remember putting the car in park and reaching for my juice when he jumped on top of me in the car and began stabbing me with a hunting knife in my chest multiple times, I was so shocked that I didn’t even feel the impact of the knife the first two times, it was like I blanked out and all I remember seeing is him with the knife on top of me and blood I had 6 scars from the knife on my chest, one on my arm, one down my leg and my pinky finger cut open.”
He tried to force Brianna out of the driver’s seat, but she wouldn’t budge. She knew if he got control of the wheel, he would kill her and drive way. She also kept talking to him to try to calm things down, even though he kept telling her that he had to kill her. and begging her not to leave him. Eventually, she convinced him to let her drive them to hospital to get help, reassuring him that she would make up a story to tell the nurse so he wouldn’t get into trouble.
After Trent tossed the knife out of the window, they finally made it to the hospital. When the nurse asked Brianna what happened, she made up a story, until she could separate from Trent and tell the nurse the real story. As soon as she felt safe, she looked directly into the nurse’s eyes and begged her to call the police as quickly as possible. Within minutes, police were on the scene, and just as Brianna looked up, she could see a very angry Trent looking and yelling at her. Gripped with fear, Brianna began to hyperventilate. But, after Trent was taken to jail and sentenced to time in prison, she felt a sigh of relief.
Horrible stat about how many children get exposed to #DomesticViolence each year -> https://t.co/dwcywEeFvJ #rrbc pic.twitter.com/RaSEWy0RFg
— Evie T. McDuff (@evietmcduff) June 17, 2016
For the first time in a long time, Brianna is able to focus on her own life without worrying about Trent. Even on some days, when she starts to become fearful, she is relieved to know that he is still in prison, where he belongs. But soon, this domestic abuser will be out, and he’ll be out as early as 2017, according to the Virginia Department of Corrections. However, Brianna already has safety measures in place and plans to remain strong for her son.
“Hopefully other girls can get this message to just be careful who we get involved with because it truly takes time to really get to know people.”
Currently, Brianna says that she is in school and plans on starting a business so that she can buy a home for her family while doing everything possible to keep her family protected.
“I let my guard down for him once. It can’t happen again. I rarely have to speak about my story, but I’m glad I am here to help females as much as I can.”
[Image via Light And Dark Studio/ ShutterStock]