Zendaya sparkled in a sequined saree during an appearance in India alongside Tom Holland. The two Marvel co-stars recently touched down in India to attend the inauguration of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) hosted by Mukesh Ambani and his wife Nita Ambani. This is the first public appearance of the couple in India. The Euphoria star walked the red carpet on the second night of star-studded celebrations, joined by her close friend and former stylist Law Roach. The pair wore co-ordinated attire, both in custom embellished couture by Rahul Mishra. Zendaya wore a sari-inspired midnight blue design, embroidered with gold stars to match the gold bralette beneath, she paired the saree with a bold golden blouse, with the trim of the saree embroidered with stunning and colorful florals. She kept her accessories subtle, only wearing a watch in one hand and modest earrings so as to not overpower her look. Roach, who recently announced his retirement, wore a black sequined look adorned with a bright floral pattern, while Holland sported a crisp, black-and-white tuxedo.
“Thank you to the Ambani family for inviting us to celebrate the opening of the @nmacc.india,” Tom wrote on Instagram. “A truly wonderful experience that I’ll never forget.”
As per a report from DNA , the saree worn by Zendaya was designed by Rahul Mishra and was from the Indian designer’s ‘Cosmos’ collection. The Cosmos 3D embroidered saree by Rahul Mishra, along with the golden blouse, costs Rs 3,89,000, according to the official website of the designer. Zendaya also topped her look off with Italian jewels from the luxury brand Bulgari, which were priced at over Rs 4,00,000. Overall, it is expected that Zendaya’s full look at the NMACC opening costs is around Rs 9 lakh.
The Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre opening was a Bollywood-meets-Hollywood affair. A “first-of-its-kind, multi-disciplinary cultural space,” the cultural center opened Friday in Mumbai, India, with a showcase of Indian arts and entertainment. The center aims to strengthen India’s cultural infrastructure with art literacy and outreach programs, as well as competitions.
Several other Indian and American stars, from Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor to Nick and Priyanka Chopra Jonas, graced the red carpet Saturday to celebrate the center’s launch. Actress Penélope Cruz and model Gigi Hadid made Tinseltown proud, serving up fierce glamour in fabulous frocks. A bevy of Bollywood luminaries, such as Malaika Arora, Disha Patani, and Rekha, gave Hollywood a run for its money with a slew of elegant ensembles.
The cultural center comprises a trio of performing arts venues: the 2,000-seat Grand Theatre, the 250-seat Studio Theatre, and the 125-seat Cube, according to the center’s official website. The center also boasts the Art House, a four-story exhibition space that will house various art exhibits and installations. “We were keen to create a space for both promoting and celebrating our artistic and cultural heritage in cinema and music, in dance and drama, in literature and folklore, in arts and crafts, and in science and spirituality,” said founder Nita Mukesh Ambani. A space where we showcase the best of India to the world and welcome the best of the world to India.”