While many are blaming the Orlando terror attack on “Islamic extremism,” Christian extremists aren’t faring very positively in the aftermath – including Christian pastor Steven Anderson. The pastor, who has a history of anti-LGBT hate rants and (unfortunately) a YouTube channel, is reportedly celebrating the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting tonight. The Christian pastor recently posted a new video to YouTube touting the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.
As Patheos reports, Christian pastor Steven Anderson calls the horrific attack on the LGBT community (Pulse in Orlando is a well-known gay nightclub, and the shooter, 29-year-old Omar Mateen of Florida reportedly carried out the attacks in response to seeing two men kiss in Miami) “good news.”
Why? Because according to Christian pastor Steven Anderson, “homosexuals are a bunch of disgusting perverts.”
Check out Christian pastor Steven Anderson condone the terror attack in Orlando, an hours-long ordeal that took place early Sunday morning. The terror attack, which has prompted Florida’s governor to declare a state of emergency, lasted for over three hours and resulted in 50 deaths and 53 injuries. The suspected shooter also lost his life in the shooting.
Christian pastor Steven Anderson says he’s “not going to cry” about the deaths of 50 people because they were merely “disgusting homosexuals at a gay bar.”
Pastor Steven Anderson is a well-known Christian extremist, and he has a long history of extreme preaching hate. He is known for his extreme flavor of dangerous fundamentalism. Steven Anderson, a Christian pastor from Arizona, has publicly called for the death penalty for members of the LGBT community. Not just the death penalty, but actually public executions. He even publicly prayed for the death of Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner.
As the United States and the world react to the Orlando shooting tragedy with shock and outrage, it appears that Christian pastor Steven Anderson has gotten his wish. Fifty people (presumably members of the LGBT community) were publicly executed by another flavor of religious extremist with a grudge against the homosexual community.
Omar Mateen’s own father admitted that he believed that his son’s indescribably horrific crime was carried out because of his hatred of the LGBT community, although Seddique Mateen swore to the media that his son’s actions were not religiously motivated.
Pastor Steven Anderson: Paris Concertgoers Had It Coming For Attending “Death Metal” … – https://t.co/5VG7xRYKPO pic.twitter.com/seiKoA9FrU
— JoeMyGod (@JoeMyGod) November 16, 2015
In addition to celebrating the deaths of over 50 people simply because of their sexual orientation, Christian pastor Steven Anderson’s literal interpretation of the Bible has led him to speak out as to why women shouldn’t be allowed to work outside the home, vote or get a divorce to end their marriage.
Pastor Steven Anderson has been described as a “dangerous Christian extremist,” and has even used his literal biblical views to defend slavery.
Pastor Steven Anderson’s beliefs about what should be done to LGBTQ folks are based on what the Bible actually says. That’s the scary part.
— Michael Olguín (@ThatGuy1600) June 13, 2016
Watching this idiot pastor Steven Anderson on YouTube. What nonsense he is spouting. He is evil!!! smh
— Alberta McCarthy (@JustBertie1) June 13, 2016
Pastor Steven Anderson isn’t the only self-proclaimed Christian to speak out about how wonderful he believes the Orlando terrorist slaughter to be. The Westboro Baptist Church has come out as an organization to praise the Orlando shooting. They have been tweeting their collective hate from multiple social media accounts all day to share their jubilation, and have even gone so far as to say that “God sent the shooter” to Pulse because “God hates f**s.”
Ironically, neither Christian pastor Anderson nor the Westboro Baptist Church has come out in defense of the murderer in this situation. According to both Anderson and the Westboro folks, God hates the murder, too.
Christian pastor Steven Anderson had the following to say.
“Now let me just be real clear: I’ve never advocated for violence. I don’t believe in, you know, taking the law into our own hands. I would never go in and shoot up a gay bar — so-called. I don’t believe it’s right for us to just be a vigilante… But I will say this: The Bible says that homosexuals should be put to death.”
Despite the hate speech being spewed by pastor Steven Anderson, his YouTube account is still active. Westboro Baptist Church also still has active social media accounts featuring their unique brand of hate, but it’s difficult to tell if any of their accounts may have been suspended, because they usually keep a handful active due to repeated suspensions for hate speech.
What do you think? Should social media platforms take action against users who post anti-LGBT hate speech and praise terrorism in the United States? Is Christian pastor Steven Anderson’s extremism just as dangerous as Islamic extremism?
[Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images]