Amidst the stagnant talk of the Zika Virus is an almost scandalous case regarding a conflict of interest between the virus and having the summer Olympics in Brazil this summer. Among the accused is the World Health Organization (WHO).
Brazil is “badly losing” the battle against the #ZikaVirus , says health minister
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) January 27, 2016
Health experts apart from the WHO are accusing the organizers of possibly turning their head at the Zika virus . Allegations that are hitting them in regard to the virus allege the WHO is too close in relation to the International Olympic Committee.
The WHO recently released a statement that even if they were to relocate the Olympics to a different country or postpone the festivities, it would not recess the spread of the Zika virus, nor will it be able to contain it. According to the organization, no matter where the games are going to be held, the virus will spread to other countries.
According to FOX, a petition emerged that bore the signatures of over 100 scientists , doctors, and researchers that are scrutinizing what they thought to be a secret agreement between the WHO and the International Olympic Committee in regard to the Zika virus. The contents of the letter accompanying the petition go into detail of the effects of a mass of people, including athletes and spectators, entering the country and how it can accelerate the spread of the virus. These scrutinizers aren’t looking at the virus simply leaving Brazil, but they worry that this event can also add detriment to the country that is hosting the games.
Some of the scholars involved with the letter are even demanding to get the United Nations involved to try and get more answers regarding the Zika virus and if it is really safe for the games to be held in Brazil this summer. The following quote comes from the petition’s letter.
“WHO must revisit the question of Zika and postponing and/or moving the games? We recommend that WHO convene an independent group to advise it and the IOC in a transparent, evidence-based process in which science, public health, and the spirit of sport come first,”
Ironically, none of this would be happening right now if it weren’t for the rapid decision to reject the idea of moving the Olympic Games. The decision to reject the idea is forcing people to ask questions. Do they not want to change the location because of the shrinking time frame? Or is it really because there are no safety/health issues.
Even with the professional jargon that the WHO retorts in their defense, Olympics-bound travelers can only wonder as to what criteria the committee goes through when thinking of pulling the Olympics from a country. What are the deciding factors? They have yet to release a statement that exemplifies their chain of action.
To get up to speed on the Zika virus, Inquisitr has previously reported about the Zika virus. The report goes into detail on what everyone needs to know about Zika .
Basically, the virus is linked to a possibly fatal brain condition known as microcephaly in infants. Zika then leaves the infants with unrealistically-looking smaller heads, causing growth issues. Unfortunately, this disease can be transmitted to babies through birth if the mother is infected with the virus. Upon its arrival in Brazil, nearly 5,000 babies have been diagnosed with microcephaly caused by the virus.
It is a good idea to exercise caution when spending time anywhere that there are a lot of mosquitos. Dress appropriately and use the recommended forms of insect repellant, especially as you’re enjoying your Memorial Day weekend. Regardless of where the origin of the confirmed North American Zika virus cases have occurred, this is still a virus that is now found in North America. Keep that in mind and exercise caution when it comes to the Zika virus.
[Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images]