This new Animal Planet series follows three friends and fellow veterinarians as they fulfill their dreams of owning their own animal hospital. Dr. Diarra Blue, Dr. Aubrey Ross, and Dr. Michael Lavigne first met and developed their close friendships when they were all attending Tuskegee University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. TV Series Finale shared that they eventually reconnected when all three of them were practicing veterinary medicine in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Vet Life TV show premieres on @AnimalPlanet in June. Learn more: #TheVetLife
— (@tvseriesfinale) May 20, 2016
Lighthearted moments, laughter, and drama are all interlaced in The Vet Life as the doctor’s learn the delicate art of balancing their time between their new hospital while spending time with their wives and raising their families. According to Broadway World , The Vet Life captures their close-knit home lives with their spouses, children, parents, in-laws, pets, and large group of friends. That alone would keep anyone busy, but throw running a vet practice and animal hospital into the mix, and it is a good thing these three friends have each other to lean on when things get stressful.
In 2015, the Cy-Fair Animal Hospital opened its doors, and The Vet Life follows the three doctors as they work hard to provide the very best of care to their patients. According to the website for the hospital , their goal is to focus on the well-being of household pets, with emphasis on client education and preventative medicine. With a combined experience of over 22 years, The Vet Life doctors offer the latest in veterinarian techniques and procedures, and is a full-service animal hospital and boarding facility located in Cypress, Texas.
Welcome to #TheVetLife ! The clinic opens Saturday, June 4 at 9/8c.
— Animal Planet (@AnimalPlanet) May 17, 2016
Each of The Vet Life veterinarians are dedicated and passionate about providing quality care for all their patients, and each has their own unique strengths. Dr. Diarra Blue’s jovial personality keeps everyone smiling and in good spirits. He was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and his interest in and passion for animals began during his early adolescence. After attending Tuskegee University, where he received a Bachelor of Animal Science and a Doctor of Veterinary medicine, he eventually began practicing in Las Vegas, Nevada, for two leading veterinarian hospitals. Besides his duties at Cy-Fair, he also manages the Conroe Animal Adoption Center.
Dr. Aubrey Ross is known as the one who can keep the clinic running smoothly during a hectic work day. Born in Houston, Texas, as he was growing up he developed a love for animals, and at 5-years-old, announced his wanted to become a veterinarian. His family encouraged and supported his dream by allowing him to care for all kinds of animals such as chickens, rabbits, horses, guinea pigs, and dogs.
Like The Vet Life’s Dr. Blue, after graduation from Tuskegee University in 2007, Ross accepted a job in Las Vegas, Nevada. He practiced at the Pebble-Maryland Animal Hospital as an associate veterinarian for three years. He later moved on to Park Animal Hospital, where he studied exotic and avian medicine. In 2013, Dr. Ross moved back to Houston in order to realize his dream of opening up the Cy-Fair Animal Hospital. Besides providing community education, he also provides training and mentoring to future and new veterinarians.
Although born in San Francisco, California, The Vet Life’s Dr. Michael Lavigne was grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana. While in college, he decided that a career in veterinary medicine was something he wanted to pursue. He attended Tuskegee University in Alabama, earning his degree in Veterinary Medicine in 2007.
Like his The Vet Life friends and partners, after earning his degree Dr. Lavigne spent several years in a busy, thriving veterinary practice in Las Vegas, Nevada. He provided his patients quality medical service and worked to establish relationships with his clients through his all encompassing, compassionate care. Although he enjoys all aspects of general practice, this skilled surgeon has a special interest and skill for soft tissue surgery and emergency medicine, which viewers will get to see firsthand on The Vet Life .
Although very dedicated to their profession, The Vet Life doctors also enjoy spending as much time as possible with their families. Fishing, golfing, camping, and hiking are just a few of the activities they enjoy. They also like to bring their families and friends together whenever possible, which leads to a lot of joking, good-natured ribbing, fun, and laughter.
Will you be checking out The Vet Life ? Leave your comments, thoughts, and opinions below. The Vet Life premieres on Saturday, June 4 at 10 p.m. ET on Animal Planet.
[Image via Cy-Fair Animal Hospital/ Facebook ]