Miami, FL – The alleged inhumane treatment of pigs at a Miami slaughterhouse landed two men behind bars. Gelio Hernandez and Angel Busurot deny the allegations related to the inhumane pigs killings at a Miami slaughterhouse, but face 15 years in prison if convicted on the felony charges levied against them. Graphic undercover video footage inside the Miami pig slaughterhouse reportedly led investigators to believe the animals were being cuts into multiple pieces while still alive and not humanely killed.
“This guy has been butchering animals alive for years and years,” Animal Recovery Mission representative Richard Couto told WSVN . “Any butchering alive case that we investigate will be pretty horrific. Just imagine being taken apart and disassembled while you are still alive.”
Miami law enforcement officers suspect both goats and pigs have been cut up alive for meat and kept in poor living conditions at the Florida slaughterhouse, according to the Daily Mail. Angel Busurot and Gelio Hernandez both entered not guilty pleas in the pig slaughterhouse case and claim they were not selling meat illegally as well.
Hernandez took to YouTube to defend himself against the inhumane treatment of pigs and goats at the Miami slaughterhouse, Daily Mail notes. The speech, given entirely in Spanish, alleges the governmental focus on his Miami slaughterhouse is part of a conspiracy by various Miami-Dade agencies.
Animal Recovery Mission representative Richard Couto also added during the WSVN interview that the slaughterhouse was closed down in 2010 but then re-emerged as a functioning pig and goat slaughtering business. Couto stated his belief that the Miami pig slaughterhouse was not hit hard enough with fiscal penalties and legal repercussions when shut down two years ago.
An estimated 1,000 illegal slaughterhouses are operating in Florida, according to the Daily Mail. Couto also shared his fears that smaller restaurants and butcher shops may very well be getting their meat from allegedly inhumane and unlicensed slaughterhouses like the Florida facility which is currently the focus legal prosecution. Meat from the Miami slaughterhouse was reportedly sold for human consumption.
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