The PlayStation 4 VR headset is expected to arrive within the year, alongside a new updated version of Sony’s latest console. Once called the PlayStation 4.5, the official new name for the console will be PlayStation 4K, named after the type of upgrade currently in progress.
The reason why virtual reality gaming likely won’t be available on the current PS4 is that the graphics card and GPU were intended to get the most out of standard HDTV displays. While the Xbox One is allegedly less powerful, rumors point to Microsoft working on their own upgrade . It is yet unknown whether Xbox One will be following the 4K and virtual reality gaming trend.
Once the PlayStation 4K hits with the virtual reality headset, one thing which will help it quickly sell is a collection of games which will show off how amazing the experience can be. In the end, games are what sell a console and the PlayStation 4 VR headset games will be no different.
Here are some games which would greatly benefit from an HD remake done right, or simply VR headset compatibility.
BioShock was one of the first shooters to break free of the ongoing trend of mindless gun battle scenarios. It not only incorporated extra abilities, but it included a storyline reminiscent of Atlas Shrugged . Players take on the role of a man in the 1950s who was the lone survivor of a plane crash at sea. They find a place with a mysterious past, where artists and scientists were free to do whatever they wanted with disastrous results. Imagine taking on the underwater society’s Big Daddy guardians with the PlayStation 4 VR headset and it seems obvious why it would be an instant hit once more.
Half-Life is another brainy shooter, which forces the player to solve puzzles while fighting off bad guys. A graphical upgrade could bring all-new (half) life to the game, and bring a big boost to the PS4’s VR collection.
Manhunt is one of those forgotten classics which puts the player in the role of a man who must kill everyone else to stay alive. It suffered from the stigma of being ultra-violent back when video game ratings were first put in place, and some stores refused to sell it due to its scenes of brutal murder. Now, the industry has games like Mortal Kombat X which glorify violence and gore, so the game could see a comeback if it could get a first-person HD update for the PlayStation 4 VR headset.
Far Cry Primal is a recent release, but it could make Ubisoft a major player in the first-person gaming arena with PS4 VR compatibility. Hunting ferocious beasts and rival villagers could be a whole new level of intense.
Left 4 Dead 2 is one of those arcade-style zombie killers, but still fun. It’s a popular scenario these days to bust some “walker” heads and this game could breathe new, undead life into the virtual reality world.
With #PlayStationVR Sony is giving you a good reason to buy @PlayStation 4 #PS4 #VR #games
— (@mercadomagico) March 18, 2016
Dying Light is the spiritual successor to the sleeper hit Dead Island developed by Techland. The recent resurgence of interest from The Following – Extended Edition could really drive the zombie apocalypse home like never before on the PlayStation 4 VR headset.
Perfect Dark was considered first-person shooter perfection by fans of its futuristic premise of a female spy sent in to infiltrate a military stronghold. As long as the graphical upgrade helps gamers forget its sequel, turning it into a virtual reality experience could be amazing.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit might be a step backward for Electronic Arts, but it was the last time fans enjoyed their racing series. It even incorporated weapons into the police chases, making it even more intense.
What games, old or new, would you like to see brought to the PlayStation 4 VR headset?
[Feature image via Christian Petersen / Getty Images ]