Lady Gaga has revealed that her highly anticipated new album lacks maturity. The pop singer was performing at a concert in Perth, Australia over the weekend when she began giving her fans some hints about the album before launching into the track “Princess Die” which may appear on the follow-up to Born This Way.
Talking about the Princess Die track she jokes:
“It’s not about you, it’s about me. This whole thing is about me. Oh, the vanity of a singer. So I wrote this song and in a way it has a bit to do with the rest of the album … well, I’m not gonna say anything.
Gaga then gave some insight into why she diverged from her last album:
“Let’s just say I feel, I feel that when I wrote Born This Way, I demonstrated a sense of maturity. And I feel that, on the next album, there’s a lack of maturity, it’s a tremendous lack of maturity or sense of responsibility.”
The album’s title Lady Gaga says will be announced in September, although she admitted months ago that the album’s title was selected a long time ago.
Lady Gaga in the meantime is writing tracks for the album while still engaged in a world tour. Creating a new album on the road is nothing new for Lady Gaga who spent her last tour creating many of the songs that eventually ended up on the Born This Way album.
Are you excited for new Lady Gaga material to debut for our listening pleasure?