On Saturday afternoon, pop-star Ariana Grande delighted her 192 million Instagram followers when she uploaded a post-birthday mirror selfie in which she flaunted her incredibly fit figure. In the photo, Grande wore a tiny, white crop top that showed off her taut tummy. She paired it with what appeared to be a high-waisted white skirt, though the photo cut off just below her waist, so it was difficult to tell whether the bottom was a skirt or something else.
The crop top was barely more than a bralette. It had a slight V-neck, which put Grande’s cleavage on display. The front of the crop top had a bit of ruching, which drew attention to Grande’s assets. The bottom edge of the crop top ended just below the curves of her breasts. The tattoo on her chest peeked out from below the textured edge of the top.
The bottoms came up to just above Grande’s hips, covering her belly button and accentuating her tiny waist. The ensemble drew attention to her perfectly toned tummy and her shapely figure .
Her makeup appeared to be expertly applied. Grande wore fake lashes with light pink accents in them. Her eyeliner was done in perfect black wings, and she appeared to be wearing very light pink eyeshadow. The singer’s eyebrows were perfectly shaped and appeared to be enhanced with an eyebrow pencil. Her face shimmered slightly, suggesting just a bit of bronzer, and she wore a very pale pink on her lips.
Grande’s gorgeous brunette locks were gathered at the top of her head in her signature high ponytail. Her voluminous hair cascaded out of the ponytail and over both shoulders, creating a striking contrast with her all-white outfit.
Grande, whose birthday was yesterday, said in the caption that though she was grateful for her birthday, she was sick of getting birthday messages all over her social media.
Within a few hours, the post garnered more than 3.2 million likes and racked up almost 36,000 comments. Many of Grande’s fans took the opportunity to wish her a happy birthday in spite of the caption on the photo. Many other fans gushed about how amazing Grande looked in the photo as well.
One Instagram user commented, “ARIANA HAPPY B-DAY I LOVE YOU YOU ARE MY IDOL”
“HOW ARE YOU SO PRETTY,” another chimed in.
A third Instagram user simply said, “my jaw dropped.”
Yesterday, Grande posted a video to her Instagram thanking her fans for their birthday wishes and shared several photos from her Midsommar themed birthday party.