On Tuesday, Apple released the iOS 9.2, the newest version of the iOS platform for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. According to BGR , a website dedicated to mobile and technology news, the new platform isn’t a major update , but has a variety of enhancements and bug fixes to satisfy consumers.
The Verge , a subsidiary news site of VOX Media, noted that one of the more peculiar features in this update was that support for Siri could now be received in Arabic , as well as iPhone support for the USB Camera Adapter. This feature allows users to transfer photos from a DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera to a mobile device without having to sync to a computer. Consumers also have the ability to use embedded web browsers on third-party apps, in addition to using third party extensions.
One of the major glitches that was present in the previous version has now been fixed. There was a bug in the iOS 9.1 that turned off previously set alarms while users were sleeping and without a notification. When it was originally released, the iOS 9.1 was intended to prevent this situation from occurring. This angered many including Joey Santiago, the lead guitarist for the alternative rock band The Pixies, who used Twitter to air his frustrations.
There have been significant improvements for the Apple Music feature according to The Verge , including the ability to download playlists and albums from an iCloud Music Library by just tapping the iCloud download button. For classical music lovers, they have the chance to see works, performers, and composers while browsing for the genre in the Apple Music catalog.
In his article titled “iOS 9.2 on iPhone 5: Impressions & Performance” for the website Gotta Be Mobile , writer Adam Mills noted that the installation for the iOS 9.2 update took around 10 minutes using a high speed Wi-Fi network.
“You’ll want to allot that if you’re coming from iOS 9.1, more if you’re coming from something older,” said Mills, who has highly praised the previous iOS 9.1 platform.
In regards to space, Mills said the update doesn’t take up too much on his iPhone, but might take up more if upgrading from an older platform like the iOS 8.
“The iPhone 5 iOS 9.2 update is just a shade under 200MB if you’re coming directly from the iOS 9.1 update,” said Mills, noting that the battery life has continued to be impressive.
“Ultimately, I think the new features are going to make it worthy of a download for most people, but I recommend waiting a few days to ensure that performance remains solid,” Mills concluded.
Feedback has already been received via social media with mixed feelings and even tips from users installing it on their devices.
My iPhone just got significantly faster after upgrading to iOS 9.2! Also, battery life seems to have improved a bit. Great update, so far!
— Henrique ? mastodon.social/@plotlessplot (@plotlessplot) December 8, 2015
iOS 9.2 update turns Live Photos on by default. So if you turned Live Photos off, go back to Camera app and turn it off again after update.
— Dave Mark (@davemark) December 9, 2015
Apple has been listening to their customer concerns and according to Forbes , and have been upfront about the concerns. There are transparent and detailed notes for the iOS 9.2 that confirm the issues that users have had, including the alarm problem mentioned earlier, as well as internal troubles with contacts not appearing in searches and improved stability of Safari, the internet browser, to name a few.
The iOS 9.2 is compatible with the iPhones models 4s, 5,5s, 6, 6s, 6s Plus, and iPhone 6 Plus. Also compatible, are the iPad 2 and later models, iPad Mini and later models, iPad Pro and the fifth and sixth generations of the iPod Touch.
Despite all this, one has to wonder will there be a iOS 9.3 platform in the near future?
[Photo by Hannah Peters/Getty Images]