The world of weight loss products and advice will always have customers, and approaching weight loss efforts in 2016 is no different. As reported by Google, nearly 3 million searches per month are entered into the search engine giant surrounding some topics on weight loss. Brutally honest articles like “ How to Lose Weight in Four Easy Steps ,” as reported by Body Rock TV , are being shared more than 100,000 times across social media as Aaron Bleyaert detailed how he lost 80 pounds in a funny Tumblr post.
While that “brutally honest guide” to weight loss unveiled some practical tips to losing weight, such as cutting out beer and fruit juice because of the empty calories and pounds they can pack on — it also dealt with the mental aspects of weight loss and working out. However, as 2015 transitions into 2016, people are seeking all the newest and truest weight loss tips they can find in order to get lean for good. As such, the following are new trends for 2016 — and ones that work so well they are likely to last well into 2016 and beyond.
BCAA is being called a workout wonder , reports India Today , as it details why drinking Branched-Chain Amino Acids (or BCAA) is a good thing. BCAA is being called a wonder supplement due to the way it helps reduce muscle soreness and fatigue. It also purportedly helps with weight loss and muscle formation.
Other theories in the past are being debunked, such as the “carbo load” prior to a workout that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s character spoke of in the movie The Game Plan . Instead, getting lean can mean not carb loading pre-workout , reports the Huffington Post Canada, but saving some carbs for after the workout.
Body brushing with a natural brush and coconut oil to stimulate the lymphatic system can be a good part of a weight loss regimen. Coconut oil and dry body brushing , as reported by Forbes , can help get rid of dead skin cells and naturally moisturize the skin. Dry brushing has also been credited with reducing the appearance of cellulite, which is a common goal among those who want to lose weight.
Why I Hate Stock Photos 67574: This is what they run when talking about weight loss
— ?????? ????? (@DarickR) December 5, 2015
Another new buzzword in the world of weight loss is fat transporter supplements like Lean Out and other non-stimulant containing products. Unlike the fat burner supplement of the days of old that left consumers super shaky and over-stimulated, new supplements prove that safer science has caught up with the workout world approaching 2016.
Working out earlier in the day is another tip that can help weight loss candidates get their metabolism going earlier, just like eating earlier in the morning. Whereas some folks fill up social media with posts about fasted cardio — the practice of not eating prior to doing a strenuous cardio routine — other personal trainers believe in drinking more than coffee or eating nothing prior to hitting that treadmill, elliptical trainer, or the Power Mill rolling stairs. They theorize that if you wouldn’t drive to the health club without gas in your car, you shouldn’t start your day without eating early.
Getting protein in new and interesting ways is a trend that will likely keep swimming along well into 2016. Products like Muscle Egg feature liquid egg whites that come in a variety of flavors and are drinkable. Because the egg whites are pasteurized, the threat of Salmonella goes away. After all, not everyone feels like buying dozens of eggs and cracking and cooking them every morning — especially if they want to separate the yolks from the egg whites. Products like the drinkable egg whites mean they can be imbibed alone or placed in smoothies with protein powder, ice, and other substances.
Chicken sausage, salmon, and veggies all add to the typical type of diet of a person interested in weight loss and bodybuilding, along with “ carb cycling ,” which means a person generally eats a low amount of carbs on certain days, with higher amounts of carbs on other days in order to shock the body into not getting used to a routine. Online carb calculators tell folks how many carbs a person of their gender, weight, and age should normally have in one day, and they adjust their carbs as such. For example, if a woman should normally get between 188 to 321 grams of carbs per day — based on whether her goal is to lose weight, maintain her weight or to get muscular gains — she can vary that amount by carb cycling.
Perhaps three days out of the week she would make “low carb” days, eating 150 to 200 grams of carbs. Then she could launch into a “medium carb” day or two with about 250 carbs eaten on those days. The final two days, which could be the weekend, could represent her “high carb” days of 300 to 350 carbs or more. There’s no hard and fast rules to carb cycling, but exercise fiends like to adopt all these methods to see what their bodies prefer.
“The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates. That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day.”
The old standbys, like strength training, high-intensity workouts — along with a variety of workouts — still exist. Drinking lots of water — for those whose doctors recommend it — and drinking natural diuretics like roasted dandelion root tea can also help with weight loss. And then there are always the additional tips gleaned by those who’ve lost weight. As seen in the above photo, weight loss experts like Josie Gibson launched the diet website “Slimmables” in 2015.
(Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)