The Obama campaign went after Mitt Romney today for campaigning with Apprentice star and billionaire Donald Trump. Donald Trump is one of the “Birthers” or people who do not believe that President Obama was born in the USA. The Obama campaign released a video on Tuesday which highlights Trump’s repeated references to Obama’s birthplace. The ad also contrasts Romney with John McCain, who in his unsuccessful campaign to defeat Obama in 2008 denounced “Birther’s” accusations which questioned Obama’s citizenship.
The video’s release was meant to coincide with a fundraiser that Romney was attending with Trump at a Las Vegas hotel.
The opening of the video says,
“As a Republican nominee, John McCain stood up to the voices of extremism in his party,”
It follows by asking why Romney won’t do the same and then shows clips of Trump questioning President Obama’s place of birth.
Romney told reporters on Tuesday that he has no intention of repudiating Trump because he needs to get “50.1 percent or more.” and therefore can not afford to alienate any type of voter.
Romney’s campaign spent the week on the offensive against President Obama . This week he is starting to air ads which go after Obama’s green energy programs. The web video, titled “Not Even Half,” (See Below) accuses Obama of giving more than $16 billion taxpayer dollars to companies “that are linked to big Obama and Democrat donors” and later failed.
The Obama campaign has been targeting Romney’s record at private equity firm Bain Capital for weeks.
The Romney campaign video says,
“Obama is giving taxpayer money to big donors, and then watching them lose it,” the narrator says. “Good for them. Bad for us.”
Watch the Mitt Romney Campaign ad “Not Even Half”