Big Brother 17 spoilers from August 8 may as well be called BB17 surprises. The reason is that among these Big Brother 17 spoilers is a Veto winner that might shock a lot of CBS viewers. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , newly crowned Head of Household Becky Burgess put Steve Moses and Shelli Poole on the block. Becky also advertised that she was looking to “backdoor” Vanessa Rousso in Week 7. A report from fan site Big Brother Network confirms that the plan is moving forward after the Veto competition.
Steve Moses won the Veto, meaning he will now use it to save himself at Monday’s (August 10) Veto ceremony. It will give HOH Becky her opportunity to put up Vanessa as the replacement nominee. That would leave Shelli and Vanessa competing against one another for the right to stay in the house. One of them is going to become the first BB17 jury member, but they won’t be alone for very long. As host Julie Chen told viewers on Thursday night (August 6), a double eviction is coming next week.
The Veto win by Steve follows other Big Brother 17 spoilers that starred John McGuire. Vanessa woke him up last week by trying to turn people against him, even though he has basically been a “floater” all season. Now he is actively playing the game, possibly helping create a strong alliance with Steve and Shelli as the other members. The trio could all survive the Week 7 eviction ceremony and possibly work to take control of the house in Week 8. It’s a short week (one day), so anything could happen at that point.
The BB17 house will soon have to decide whether to vote out Shelli Poole or Vanessa Rousso. It would take a lot to convince Becky Burgess not to nominate Vanessa, so it’s probably safe to assume she will stick with that plan. Currently, the numbers predict that Vanessa is also going to be easily eliminated from the game, but things could change before that August 13 eviction ceremony. It all depends on what John McGuire, Austin Matelson, Julia Nolan, and Liz Nolan decide to do with their votes.
The next set of Big Brother 17 spoilers will be led by the revelation of Becky’s replacement nominee, but fans and viewers shouldn’t expect anyone other than Vanessa to go on the block. It’s going to be exciting for live feed viewers to see what alliances are left standing as double eviction night begins.
[Image Source: CBS Big Brother Press Kit]