Big Brother 17 has been a rough ride for Audrey Middleton. Very early in the game, she started to make alliances, but those loyalties quickly unraveled. Middleton spread questionable information throughout the house and lost the trust of the other house guests. She played the game hard , and it may have been her undoing.
Now, it looks like Audrey is facing another crisis, and it may affect whether she stays in the game.
[Warning: the following contains spoilers from the Big Brother 17 live feeds.]
Following the Battle of the Block ceremony, Shelli remained as the sole Head of Household. She had nominated Jason and John. Vanessa won veto. Shelli planned to backdoor Audrey, and the plan was set in motion for her eviction Thursday.
But the veto ceremony was perhaps unlike any other in Big Brother history. Vanessa saved Jason and named Audrey as the replacement nominee. However, Audrey was not present when it happened.
BuddyTV reported that on Sunday night, 12 houseguests met in the HOH room and agreed to backdoor Audrey. During that meeting, which involved everyone in the house except her, Audrey was in the diary room for about three hours. On Monday, the veto ceremony, which normally happens at noon, was delayed until about 4:15. During that time, Audrey was again in the diary room, but when she came back, she went straight to the have-not room and stayed there.
Middleton remained in a state of self-isolation in the have-not room. Vanessa brought her Advil and Becky made her pizza upon instructions from production, who apparently said Audrey would get an exemption from her have-not status.
Big Brother Network reported that the houseguests were discussing whether a nominee has ever missed a veto ceremony. BBN blogger Matthew Boyer could not remember a time when it had happened. If true, it means Audrey Middleton could go down in Big Brother history as the first houseguest to not be present when she officially became a replacement nominee.
Middleton may be experiencing physical sickness, as evidenced by the procurement of a pain reliever and food. The game is also known to take a psychological toll on contestants, as a past ABC report revealed.
At this point, it seems unlikely that Audrey will escape eviction. BBN reported that house guests were joking about making deals with John, essentially implying those deals are unnecessary because he is safe.
Audrey has also not officially quit the game. She remains in the house, despite long stretches in the diary room.
The veto ceremony and the events leading up to it are scheduled to air this Wednesday on CBS. Thursday’s episode of Big Brother 17 is set to be another live eviction.
[Image: CBS ]