A 59-year-old Florida man named Rupert Darwin was arrested for keeping an alligator as a sex slave after it tried to eat him, according to the story featured on Thug Virals . It’s a disgusting story that has gone viral, because people are utterly revolted at the idea of having sex with animals. Having sex with an alligator seems somehow more disgusting — perhaps it’s the salmonella factor. Of course, the side-by-side photo of a man, who Thug Virals claims is Rupert Darwin, and a photo of an alligator tied up, also invokes extreme anger and hatred towards Darwin in animal lovers and animal rights advocates.
I don’t wanna live on this planet anymore ?? http://t.co/T8V8gvbhn3
— Spoiled Brittany (@Princess2Spoil) July 15, 2015
Zoophilia seems to be on the rise, or it is now just more in the open. If you find someone who seems to be… http://t.co/DjWrAcfVv0 — tina morphis (@TinaMorphis) July 15, 2015
@smokydogg777 omg man goes to jail for sex with alligator
— edward medina (@EdwardJello1965) July 15, 2015
humans get more and more crazy http://t.co/8vOo8kO7kX — ??? ???????? (@ahmedsamih) July 15, 2015
All that’s missing is a messed up name. #KeepFloridaCrazy http://t.co/gs6feWECtt #Florida #alligator
— Rob DeClercq (@triswimrob) July 15, 2015
The story has all of the qualities that people love to hate, but did it even happen? The story alleges that Rupert Darwin kept a 12-foot alligator blindfolded and tied up for an entire month. The story alleges that Darwin sexually assaulted the reptile multiple times every day. Rupert Darwin is described as “a relatively unknown fisherman who lives in the outskirts of the remote town of 400.” According to the story, Rupert is described as “odd.” Indeed, a man who kept an alligator as a prisoner to sexually assault it would be very odd.
Florida Man Arrested for Having Sex with an Alligator http://t.co/20Y3YbrCpb pic.twitter.com/Ni6SY3rIyw — WP-C(h)ronicle (@wp_cron) July 15, 2015
?????????????? http://t.co/y62WIop7a3 pic.twitter.com/PUloaBOaHb
— Sim Hyatt (@ssim23) July 15, 2015
The story’s author might have been able to maintain the horrific tale if it were not for adding in the location of Rupert’s arrest. According to the story, Rupert Darwin was arrested by the Collier County Sheriff’s Office in Florida. Unfortunately for the propagation of the story, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office has an online arrest search page that goes back a decade. A man named Rupert Darwin has never been arrested in Collier County, Florida.
According to the horrific story, Rupert told the cops that he was not actually sexually attracted to the alligator. He claimed that he kept it as a sex slave in order to torture it, because killing the animal would not have been awful enough. In the story, Rupert claims that the alligator had tried to eat him. Readers didn’t believe the man’s story, claiming that it was obviously Rupert’s way of acting as though he wasn’t into reptilian bestiality. If a man were to keep an alligator captive and rape it regularly, it wouldn’t be that hard to believe that one would deny their affinity to bestiality, but alas, the entire story is made up. One could call it a satire article , or just a scam for increased page views and website revenue, but the fact remains that it simply never happened.
Besides for the lack of an arrest record for Rupert Darwin, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office also confirmed that the story is false on their Facebook page .
“Hey everyone — this story seems to be gaining traction on social media, but don’t believe it. It’s as fake as crocodile tears,” the post confirmed. Indeed, Rupert Darwin was never arrested in Collier County for animal abuse after keeping an alligator as a sex slave.
[Photo via Pixabay ]