Social media is showing their LGBT Pride this weekend. This comes after the news that the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal in all 50 of the United States. Now social media is bursting into colorful rainbows in support of the ruling.
It’s not just the LGBT community and their allies that are celebrating the new marriage ruling. It’s also the major brands, organizations, and the media that are bursting into rainbow colors. Even technology giants like Apple, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube are celebrating marriage equality and LGBT pride with the use of touching videos and rainbow filters.
Facebook was one of the social networking sites to celebrate the Supreme Court’s marriage ruling. The company introduced a new tool called Celebrate Pride, which allows users to show their support for marriage equality by turning their profile photos into a rainbow version of their profile pic. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced this new tool quickly after the U.S. Supreme court ruled their marriage equality law.
Zuckerberg also took his Facebook page to release a statement.
“Our country was founded on the promise that all people are created equal, and today we took another step towards achieving that promise. I’m so happy for all of my friends and everyone in our community who can finally celebrate their love and be recognized as equal couples under the law. We still have much more to do to achieve full equality for everyone in our community, but we are moving in the right direction.”
Google and YouTube are also celebrating the Supreme Court’s ruling. The top search giant used rainbow Easter eggs in its search results and on Google Hangouts. If you search the term “marriage equality” on Google, you will also see a rainbow heart and rainbow people holding hands to support marriage equality.
As previously reported via the Inquisitr , Google shared its #ProudtoLove video , which features many members of the LGBT community. Check out the incredibly heartwarming video below.
Twitter is also celebrating the new marriage law by including two new rainbow emojis for the hashtags #Pride and #LoveWins. The emojis were only available on Friday, June 26, the same day as the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling.
Both Android and Apple showed their support for LGBT Pride. On Saturday, June 27, Apple colorized its iTunes interface in rainbow colors. The tech giant also included a separate LGBT Pride section in iTunes with the rainbow-themed iTunes logo. The company also added new books, movies, apps, TV shows, and podcasts that represent the LGBT community on its Apps Store. Android shows its support by featuring the beloved green alien holding the pride flag.
Even the White House has been showing its pride on Facebook and Twitter. Not only did the Obama administration light up the official house in rainbow colors on Friday night, but they also changed the White House avatar to a rainbow-imposed one.
[Image: White House via Twitter]