Susan Boyle is the latest celebrity to take part in the ALS ice bucket challenge . However, the gifted singer’s contribution comes with a unique twist.
Instead of simply standing around while someone dumps cold water over her head, Boyle opted for something a bit different. Although she’s still gets drenched, Susan decided to put her impressive pipes to good use during the challenge.
According to the Daily Mail , Susan Boyle belted out the timeless classic “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserables during the ALS ice bucket challenge . If this sounds vaguely familiar, then you probably caught Boyle’s performance of the aforementioned tune during her 2009 audition on Britain’s Got Talent . Considering how much coverage her rendition of the song received, it was pretty hard to miss.
Curious to Boyle sing a ditty while getting doused with cold water? Check out the video below. Added bonus: Susan’s tiny American flag and floral bathing suit.
Instead of simply one bucket of water, Susan Boyle chose to have no less than three containers full of the icy liquid dumped on her from different angles. While most of us are no doubt shivering at the thought of such an act, the talented singer seemed to approach the situation with a remarkably positive attitude.
“I’m wearing a cozy, a scarf wrapped round me head, I’ve got the American flag and I’ve got flip flops on. I am doing it for MacMillan, I wish to thank everyone who nominated me, I wish to nominate Piers Morgan, Cindy Boyle, and Benny Mulhern. There’s no time to feel nervous let’s just get on with it!”
Even cold water couldn’t dampen Boyle’s spirits .
“I’d like to thank Donny and Cat for my nomination. I am freezing but feel amazing – it’s great that so much money has been raised for a worthwhile cause.”
In case you’re wondering, Piers Morgan has already completely the ice bucket challenge, though the Independent reports that the deeply-despised journalist did so while seated comfortably in the Caribbean . Morgan also avoided some of the suggestions that were tossed his way after receiving his nomination.
Yes, I accept the #icebucketchallenge from Coleen/Cheryl/Joseph. No, I will not, as some have suggested, be using acid, rocks or hot coals.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) August 20, 2014
With the help of Susan Boyle and people from around the globe, the ALS Association has generated millions of dollars for research. A rep for the charity said, “We realize there are responsibilities that come with being good stewards of these dollars.”
[Lead image via Lorenzo Dalberto / Deadline]