Thomas Kinkade, the renowned “Painter of Light” whose paintings are amongst the most popular in the United States, died from what appear to have been natural causes. The celebrated artist was 54-years-old.
Nanette, the recently widowed wife of Thomas, released a statement from the family which said:
“Thom[-as Kinkade] provided a wonderful life for his family. We are shocked and saddened by his death.”
Paintings by Kinkade range in price from hundreds of dollars to well over $10,000. Media Arts Group, Thom’s private company, took in $32 million per quarter 10 years ago.
Thomas Kinkade was a devoted Christian well known for his incredible ability to paint light. Painting light wasn’t the only reason he was as incredibly successful as he was. One of the most important reasons he was able to achieve financial success in the art world during his lifetime was the fact that his artistic philosophy was to give the masses what they wanted, as opposed to using the canvas to express himself.
Ken Raasch, an old friend and co-founder of Kinkade’s Media Arts Group, was quoted by the Mercury News conveying his recently passed away friend’s unique perspective of the world:
“I’d see a tree as being green, and he would see it as 47 different shades of green. He just saw the world in a much more detailed way than anyone I’ve ever seen.”
Kinkade leaves behind his wife, Nanette, and four daughters.
Not only was Thomas a successful painter, he was also a writer who achieved notoriety amongst the world of literature when his books hit the New York Times Best Seller list with his works “ The Artist’s Guide to Sketching ” and “ Masterworks of Light .”
While the “warrior for light” Thomas Kinkade has died, his art will continue to live on far beyond his own untimely death. As the “Painter of Light” himself once said:
“Art is forever.”