Ari Teman used Airbnb to rent out his New York City apartment a year ago, and that is where his nightmare began. According to New York Daily News , Teman rented out his condominium in March 2014. He thought he was renting out his Chelsea condominium to a man named David who had relatives coming into town for a wedding. However, Teman’s apartment was not used for someone to stay at for a special event.
In fact, Teman’s condominium was used for a special event of another kind. He returned home just hours after handing the man the keys to his home because he forgot something. He returned to find the aftermath of an orgy held in his home in the short five-hour period he was gone. The event was advertised on Twitter by the organizers of the event. After the incident, Airbnb changed the man’s locks, but the damage was done.
Since the incident last year, Teman has claimed that he cannot lease a new condominium or apartment in New York City because he has been blacklisted. There is only one thing keeping him from being homeless, and that is his financial situation. He can afford to stay in hotels because of his career.
Teman has detailed his story on Tumblr . He has posted several posts since the incident in 2014 that detail exactly what happened to him and the aftermath.
“I am homeless because you stuck a ‘XXX Freak Fest’ orgy in my apartment and abandoned me to deal with the fall out. I’m not homeless because of finances – though the unimagined debt and massive amount of lost work caused by your orgy hasn’t helped – but because thanks to Airbnb I’m on a blacklist and cannot get a legitimate lease in all of New York City. Brokers refuse to help me after looking me up and finding I’m on the blacklist. One building management refused to even accept a full year’s up-front payment because I was on the blacklist. I’ve had to sleep in over 20 places since you put an orgy in my apartment, because I cannot get a lease. I’m exhausted and want a home.”
Ari Teman went on to state that he has lived and worked in New York City his entire life, but now he cannot find a stable place to call home. Airbnb did give the man $23,000 on top of the change of locks, but that still has not been enough to cover the damage done.
In another post on his Tumblr, he revealed just how much in losses he has incurred because of the party in his home.
“I’ve got over $87,076 in losses. I had to call 911 and have these ‘XXX Freak Fest’ people removed from my apartment, my super is having me evicted by my landlord, and I do not feel safe here anymore since hundreds of people got a text saying there’s an XXX sex fest in my apartment and continue showing up, according to the doormen who I’ll never be able to look in the face again.”
Temen has been very vocal about his story, and he has accused Airbnb employees of heckling him on Twitter as well.
“Perhaps your employees weren’t counting on me having Google? Well, we used it to catch the BBW pimp and now we caught your ‘Customer Advocate Team Lead’ aka ‘The_Legend78.’ It appears staff of your international company is monitoring and heckling me directly (“@ariteman”) across three continents. This isn’t a random act, but an intentional act against a customer by your Team Lead for ‘customer advocacy’! (Irony, much?)”
Airbnb has shared a statement about the incident at Temen’s condominium, according to Daily Mail .
“Over 11 million guests have had a safe and positive experience on Airbnb and problems for hosts and guests are incredibly rare, but when they happen, we try to help make things right.”
In their mind, they probably think the change of locks and $23,000 in compensation is making things right. However, Ari Teman is not happy about the situation. No one expects to return home to find what he did that night. He had to deal with removing the people from his apartment, and the people continued to show up because of the ads on Twitter and Facebook.
It is clear that Ari Teman will not stop publicizing his story until he finds a new lease in New York City . PIX11 did dig more into his blacklist claims, and there is no actual blacklist. However, Teman did appear in housing court for his eviction. It is that appearance that comes up when other renters look him up, according to Dean Soukeras, a real estate broker and COO of Homeswipe. PIX11 also revealed that Teman is involved in several court cases at this time.
This is not the first time a rental from Airbnb has gone horribly bad for someone that rented out a property. Another recent Inquisitr report detailed the story of a couple from Calgary that rented out their home for a wedding party. Star King had used the service several times in the past, but this time it did not end well.
When they returned home, they found their home destroyed inside. Star and her husband found “broken glass, destroyed art work, and toilets stuffed with condoms to the point of overflowing.” The couple learned from neighbors that a party bus filled with 100 people arrived at their home. Police arrived hours later, and the authorities estimated about $50,000 to $75,000 in damages to the property.
It is stories like these that make it clear that you know exactly who you rent to when you rent out your property. This could be from Airbnb or elsewhere. You never know what might happen to your home once you hand over the keys.
[Photo: Airbnb Website]