Lauren Scruggs, the 23-year-old model who walked into a plane propeller in December , has decided to sue the airplane’s insurers, as well as the plane’s pilot. The model was reportedly coming back from a sightseeing trip when the incident happened. She lost her left eye and left hand in the accident.
She, along with her father, have decided to sue Aggressive Insurance Services, the insurance agency that covers the plane involved. Scruggs claims the company verbally offered her $200,000 for the incident, but her claim contests that she could be due more money.
In an investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board , pilot Curt Richmond stated that he “leaned out of his seat and placed his right hand and arm in front of her to divert her away from the front of the airplane and the propeller.” Unfortunately, this did not stop Lauren from walking into the still-moving propeller.
The policy limit for Aggressive Insurance Services is $200,000 per incident, but Lauren’s suit claims, “she was not in the aircraft or getting in or out of it at the time of the incident.”
It goes on to say:
“Ms. Scruggs, in contrast, takes the literal and logical view of the term ‘getting out of’ the aircraft, and contends that she was no longer a ‘passenger’ because she had completed her exit from the aircraft prior to the time of the incident and was physically located on the tarmac when the incident happened. Until struck by the propeller, she was not in physical contact with the aircraft after her exit. It’ll be up to the court to define ‘passenger.’”
Since the accident, Lauren Scruggs has gone back to blogging about fashion, and has also been to the gym and taken a ski trip to Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
It will be up to the courts now to decide if Lauren’s case is worth more than $200,000.