A mysterious trumpet-like noise booming from the sky has been baffling people around the world for almost ten years now.
More than 150 videos posted on YouTube attest to this strange aural phenomenon with a selection of clips shot from Canada, Ukraine, Belarus, U.S., Austraila, and a number of other countries – with the latest one coming from Germany.
In the video, which was posted to YouTube last month, a young child can be seen standing motionless in the street (possibly frozen in fear) while the eerie noise thunders from the sky.
Some people’s encounter with the trumpeting sound has even given them graphic nightmares for days — which was the case for Aaron Traylor, who recorded the booming noise in Montana on February 18, 2012.
“I’ve had vivid nightmares ever since I posted the very eerie strange sounds that has Missoula talking and looking towards the sky; awful, awful nightmares,” he said.
The day Traylor encountered the sound he was taking his daughter for a walk with his dog when the animal perked up its ears and his daughter stopped in her tracks.
“I’ve been following this worldwide strange sound phenomenon for some time,” said Traynor. “[And] the whole ‘End of the world’ thing popped instantly into my head. What if this was one of those sounds?”
Interestingly, the bizarre noise for the most part has gone unexplained, as no one seems to be able to provide a substantial answer as to where the sound is coming from.
But there are plenty of theories.
These theories range from natural causes like earthquakes, methane explosions, tidal waves, and shifting sand dunes – to wireless communications devices, electromagnetic radiation, high pressure gas lines, and even mind-control technology.
Other speculations include aliens , God’s trumpets, meteors, and the reverberating mating call of a male Midshipman fish .
Nonetheless, there is one thing about this strange occurrence that’s admittedly very interesting — people from all four corners of the Earth have only started hearing the ominous sound since 2008.
[Image: Examiner]