More than a week ago, Best Buy took orders for the Gear VR virtual reality headset that is used with Samsung’s Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge smartphones. The site promised delivery by Friday, May 8. Many people bought it for Mother’s Day and won’t have it until afterwards. iDigitalTimes describes Best Buy’s latest blunder.
“If you ordered a Samsung Gear VR for your Galaxy S6 on April 24 or after, you may want to check your order status. With a promised delivery of May 8, many orders are currently MIA. Many folks on Reddit and Twitter have learned their Samsung Gear VR unit will arrive a little later than planned.”
Many folks expecting the Gear VR on Friday took to Reddit to vent their frustration. User VRPill looked into the situation and came back with bad news for everybody.
“Ok here’s the deal. These preorders should have been shipped out yesterday at 6pm last night, but there was an error with the system where the flags didn’t go up to alert UPS last night. So basically UPS saw it as there was nothing to come pick up. I know this sounds absolutely unbelievable coming from a company as big as Best Buy. Basically, if you didn’t get it already nothing is happening until Monday. Sorry this is the news you all had to hear.”
Reddit user Deonisius won’t be purchasing an item on Best Buy’s online site anytime soon.
“Well, lesson learned as a first time online customer in Best Buy I guess, never buy from them in the future since their shipment system is pretty broken. Stick to other stores or just buy directly from company that makes it.”
It appears that several people received a message on Friday saying that their Gear VR orders were back-ordered. Instead of dealing with the frustration, buyers ordered the virtual reality headset directly from Samsung, who instantly sent out shipping confirmation numbers for Monday. Those who then tried to cancel their orders from Best Buy weren’t able to since Best Buy later indicated the items were shipped. There still hasn’t been any official statement from Best Buy on the matter.
Those who finally receive their Gear VR units on Monday will undoubtedly be blown away. The Gear VR for the Galaxy Note 4 has received excellent reviews, even if some believed the virtual reality headset isn’t quite ready for prime-time just yet. (Samsung has said several times that the current Gear VR units are for testers and developers and that the final consumer version of the Gear VR will come out later this year.) Let’s hope that Best Buy gets their act together by the time the commercial version of the Gear VR is released.
[Photo Credit: Engadget ]