Hugh Jackman’s last time as The Wolverine is on the horizon. The actor shared a photo on Instagram with his fans, and he made it clear that the end of his time as the iconic Marvel character was coming to an end, according to E! Online .
Jackman has portrayed The Wolverine in all of the X-Men films, and he has portrayed the character in two solo projects. A third solo Wolverine film is already in the planning stages, and it is set for release in 2017.
Before work begins on the next Wolverine film, the cast will work on production on the last X-Men film, X-Men: Apocalypse . The current cast will take part in it with some new faces, but the future of the X-Men franchise is not known after that. If Jackman is only taking on the role one more time, it is possible fans will not appear in the next X-Men film at all.
Speculation has teased that new actors will replace some of the current cast as well. This includes Halle Berry and Famke Janssen. It is possible that another actor will also play Jackman’s Wolverine if Marvel decides to continue with the franchise.
According to E! Online , Jackman did talk about playing Wolverine and the potential end of his time playing the character in an interview while he was promoting Chappie, one of his most recent film projects.
“I always want to be in better shape than I was for the last one. I don’t believe in stagnation. People say they try to maintain the status quo. But I believe the natural cycle means you’re either advancing and getting closer to something or you’re receding. Every time I play Wolverine I want to go further, physically and emotionally. I said to my wife, ‘The moral is that I should never stop playing Wolverine. I’ve got to find a way to keep playing him until I die.’ I know that someday they’ll recast the role with another actor…I’d be happy if the role was eventually recast. It would mean that it had become iconic.”
However, fans could see the true end of Wolverine in the X-Men film franchise. In the comic universe, the death of Wolverine has happened. A four-part comic series was released with the first comic appearing last September and the last issue released in October. In the comics, Wolverine died after a virus took away his healing ability.
Does this mean fans will see the death of Wolverine on the big screen? Anything is possible, but no plot details for the final Wolverine film have been released yet. With two years until the film’s release, work is still clearly focused on the next X-Men film. The project is not even titled yet.
The franchise has made some new additions for the next X-Men film, but one actress has already announced her departure from the franchise. Jennifer Lawrence took on the role of young Mystique for the First Class films, but she is ready to leave the role, according to a recent Inquisitr report.
Lawrence will leave the franchise after X-Men: Apocalypse . Rebecca Romijn played the role of Mystique in the original films. With Mystique’s shape shifting ability, it would be easier to recast her role in future films, but fans may still show their disappointment. Fans were not happy when Channing Tatum replaced Taylor Kitsch as Gambit.
What do fans think about Hugh Jackman leaving Wolverine behind? Fans are expressing their sadness over the news on social media. No one is happy about Jackman leaving the role. Many consider him the only actor to able to play Wolverine in the franchise.
Hugh Jackman not being wolverine anymore is the saddest news I’ve heard all week
— karla vinces (@k_vinces07) March 31, 2015
Kit Harington as Wolverine… I.. could see that. But in the end.. Hugh Jackman just cannot be beat.
— Movie Mix (@CBMovieMix) March 31, 2015
Someone please tell me that Hugh Jackman is not filming his last movie as Wolverine???
— Beth Cumming (@BethCumming1) March 31, 2015
Wolverine won’t be the same anymore if it isn’t Hugh Jackman.
— Rolfh Rodriguez (@rolfhrodriguez) March 31, 2015
What do you think about Hugh Jackman putting on the claws one last time? Will the franchise follow the comics and kill off Wolverine?
[Photo by Marc Piasecki/Getty Images]