As bookmakers reveal the latest bets on royal baby names, Duchess Kate Middleton is preparing everything that she needs for her second child. And depending on whether it’s a boy or a girl, Princess Kate just might be intrigued to know what her loyal followers think that she should and will name the royal infant, reported the Daily Mail .
One of the most famous bookmakers in the United Kingdom, William Hill, changed the likelihood that Prince William and Kate will name their baby Alice when the tide changed and money began to pile up for that name.
Consequently the odds for Alice have gone from 14 to one to four to one.
“Alice is the new favourite and we have seen a significant number of bets. You have to think there is good reason for the gamble,” revealed Rupert Adams, spokesman for William Hill.
As for the significance of the name Alice, both Queen Victoria’s second daughter and the Duke of Gloucester’s wife bore the name that many associate with the fictional character who traveled through the Looking Glass to Wonderland.
Other popular names include Elizabeth, Charlotte, Victoria, Alexandra, and Diana. But what if the Duchess and Duke of Cambridge have a second boy? You can bet on Arthur, Henry, and James reigning neck-and-neck.
Both the gender of the baby and the actual birth date are also hot betting topics. The most popular due date range is between April 19 to 22, while the baby’s gender is 8-11 odds for a girl and evens for a boy.
As the Inquisitr reported, Duchess Kate has remained busy with her charity work despite a return of the morning sickness that plagued her during her first pregnancy. She even took time to make a rare public service announcement video against bullying, shown below.
And while his wife is fluffing up the royal nursery nest, Prince William is busy changing careers, reported Us Weekly . The Duke of Cambridge passed his Air Transport Pilot’s License exams in February, and now he is working as ambulance pilot.
While training with Bond Air Services now, the 32-year-old will receive paternity leave when the baby is born. He’ll then resume training with the goal of flying rescue missions.
And Prince William isn’t the only one with a career change in mind in the royal family. Prince Harry is abandoning the Army after a move to Australia, according to the Evening Standard .
The plan to change to a new career comes after the 30-year-old’s completion of two tours in Afghanistan. Among Prince Harry’s interests are conservation and wildlife. He also wants to help those in the Army who have been injured.
[Photo By Oli Scarff/Getty Images]