This weekend, multiplayer heroes of Dragon Age: Inquisition have a new task to complete. Like other weekends, agents of the Inquisition have a specific goal to meet in order to receive commendation chests and a victory chest. The announcement was proclaimed on the official Facebook page for Dragon Age: Inquisition earlier today.
Unlike other events, more than one commendation chest can be earned this time around. Arcanist Dagna is asking for enemies to be slain by a variety of different weapons and each set of enemies downed with a specific weapon will net the player a commendation chest.
“Arcanist Dagna has a theory about the Veil, and as her theories often do, it involves bloodshed. She’s asking for wide-scale slaughter with a variety of implements.”
Basically, players can earn up to 10 commendation chests by vanquishing foes with different types of weapons found in the multiplayer mode of Dragon Age: Inquisition . Each weapon must kill 100 enemies to earn a chest so that’s 1,000 enemies for all 10 chests. For example, killing 100 adversaries with a bow grants a commendation chest, killing another 100 with daggers awards another chest, and so on.
The weapons in question are all the weapons included in the multiplayer, and they are listed on the official Dragon Age website . This includes daggers, bows, staves, one-handed axes, two-handed axes, one-handed swords, two-handed swords, one-handed mauls, and two-handed mauls.
The community Dragon Age: Inquisition goal, which rewards a victory chest, is different by platform as usual. PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One users need to slay 2.5 million enemies as a community while Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 users need to execute 750,000 adversaries.
Also, interested agents should note when the Dragon Age: Inquisition multiplayer event starts and ends. Kills must be made before the closure of the event to earn the commendation and victory chests.
“Mission: Weapon Testing begins at 10 a.m. PST Friday, March 20, and ends at 5 a.m. Monday, March 23.”
The community-earned victory chest will not be rewarded until after the event ends, but each commendation chest should be rewarded as the weapon objective is completed. Normally, players can check out their commendation chest progress in the “challenges” section of the Dragon Age: Inquisition multiplayer menu.
Those enjoying the Inquisitor’s story in the single-player campaign of Dragon Age: Inquisition might be interested in the hidden quest recently found. The Inquisitr recounted the details of the hidden quest and its hidden reward including a guide on how to find and complete it.
Will this weekend’s new multiplayer challenge compel you to get back into Dragon Age: Inquisition ?
[Images via Dragon Age / Electronic Arts]