Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council has publicly taken action against Bioware’s Star Wars: The Old Republic , a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game because of what he calls strong support for gay and bisexual themes.
During his daily radio commentary Perkins noted:
“In a new Star Wars game, the biggest threat to the empire may be homosexual activists!”
He goes on to note:
“In a galaxy not so far far away, Star Wars gamers have already gone to the dark side. The new video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic , has added a special feature: gay relationships.”
He goes on to add:
“That surprised a lot of gamers, since Bioware had made it clear in 2009 that ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’ don’t exist in the Star Wars universe. Since the announcement, homosexuals have been celebrating the news, but parents sure aren’t.”
Perkins then continued:
“On the game’s website, there are more than 300 pages of comments–a lot of them expressing anger that their kids will be exposed to this Star Warped way of thinking. You can join them by logging on and speaking up. It’s time to show companies who the Force is really with!”
News of the assault came as a surprise to Bioware who explained that same sex relationships are not currently activated in the game:
“Same gender romances with companion characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature. Because The Old Republic is an MMO, the game will live on through content expansions which allow us to include content and features that could not be included at launch, including the addition of more companion characters who will have additional romance options.”
It should be noted that the Southern Poverty Law Center has named the Family Research Council as nothing more than a hate group bent on attacking gay, lesbian and other human rights.
As for Perkins’ comments about “300 pages of comments” a quick search of Bioware’s forums shows nothing near that number of complaints from parents. In fact most comments that were made did not come from “angry” parents in almost every single case.
Do you have a problem with Star Wars: The Old Republic containing gay and bisexual relationships?