Have you seen Callista Gingich’s hair? There’s something alien about it. Something unexplainable. The platinum blonde helmet has been a frequent topic of conversation and there has been some stellar research on the topic.
According to an article in Slate, the Callista Gingrich hair cut costs about $400. Newt’s third wife gets her hair done at the Andre Chreky salon in D.C. (the New Yorker says she gets it down at the Sugar House in Virginia) for $300. She has her hair done by Andre himself, which costs an extra $90. According to the article this happens about once every six weeks which comes out to a little over $3000 a year.
Newt Gingrich revealed yesterday that he made over $3 million in 2010, so $3000 isn’t too much to spend to make Callista Gingrich look like the alien in Mars Attacks.
So just what does Andre do to achieve the bewildering look? Well, he hasn’t given exact details. (And he may not be the real stylist.)
Gawker talked to Michael Angelo, the owner of Wonderland Beauty Parlor , to see if they could get some insight into Callista Gingrich’s hair. Angelo said:
“I’m thinking it must be set with a curling iron and combed out. There’s no way it’s done with a blow dryer and a round brush. I don’t know how you get that out of a blow dryer alone…”
Angelo said she probably uses some sort of mouse as a foundation and then uses hair spray until it almost kills her. And if someone came into his salon to get the Callista Gingrich hair cut…
“Someone who is not a drag queen? Like a real girl? I would have to start with the cut. It has to be short enough layers around the top where you can bulk it up high without having too much weight.”
Several politicians have tried to pull of the hair style of Mrs. Gingrich…
… but Conan O’Brien probably looks the best in his blonde wig.
What do you think of Callista Ginrich’s hair?