This season’s Bachelor had two virgin contestants: the heavily made up Ashley Iaconetti, who fellow contestant Kelsey Poe dubbed a “Kardashian,” and Becca Tilley, who is one of Chris Soules’ final three. During the hometown dates, Tilley’s sister asked Becca if she planned to reveal her virginity to Chris anytime soon. ABC teasers for Monday night’s program reveal she finally does so in advance of their overnight date.
In the meantime, Tilley has taken to social media to joke about her prominent Bachelor storyline — her virginity — and to defend her family, who may have come across as overprotective. On the program, they revealed to Soules that Becca has never before taken a man home to meet them and is not physically affectionate. Tilley explained on Instagram this week what was behind those Bachelor scenes on a caption posted next to a picture of her and her sister.
“My older sister Katie — there is no one more protective/loyal/proud. Just wanted to clarify — I’d never brought a guy home to meet my family – my last relationship was someone I grew up with so there was never a formal introduction needed. With that, I have never been very big on public displays of affection — especially in front of them. That was what that was about – she doesn’t think I’m cold or closed off. It was just a different side of me. That’s all. And you are entitled to your opinion — just like I am entitled to block whoever says anything negative about ANY of my family members!”
On Twitter, Becca made light of the spin Bachelor producers are putting on her biography.
Wait – did yall know I am a virgin?
— Becca Tilley (@beccatilley5) February 17, 2015
Becca’s family members also took to Twitter to reveal that the hometown date was selectively edited.
Hate that America didntget to see the fun side of the Tilley family.Thehometown date was 95% fun,5% business.Wedidntchoose what is shown
— Chris Tilley (@CHRISVTILLEY1) February 17, 2015
If being classy & sticking to morals is boring then I’m proud to be boring. & btw my famis amaze ballz-wish it would have shown it that way
— Caroline Tilley (@CMTilley) February 17, 2015
CarterMatt noted that it’s unlikely Tilley would be comfortable in the overnight date, a.k.a. “fantasy suite” situation, but made the point that viewers probably don’t like to think too hard about it either.
“[I]s anyone really that comfortable with it? This is one of the grosser ideas that the show has come up with over the years, mostly because of the inane way that the show tries to mask it rather than by calling a spade a spade. It took Nick Viall actually speaking the truth, and consequently being loved or hated by most of America, in order for the unspoken to finally be clear.”
Nick Viall made waves for revealing fantasy suite details during the season he was a contestant on The Bachelorette .
The Bachelor airs Monday on ABC.
[Image: ABC/The Bachelor]