Mars anomaly hunters say they have found a fossilized ancient dinosaur skull with a set of teeth in a Mars Curiosity Rover photo.
The discovery was made by YouTube Mars anomaly hunters Mars Moon Space Photo Zoom Club. The group describes the startling find as a “fossilized animal skull” that “looks a dinosaur Raptor – T Rex type.”
The original NASA photo showing the “fossil” may be viewed here .
UFO Sightings Daily’s Scott Waring notes the features that identify the object as the petrified skull of an ancient Mars dinosaur.
“Look closely and you will see there is a nostril area, lower jaw area and jaw hinge area as well. There are also teeth. A crap load of teeth and evenly spaced and white as all get out. It’s the details that we have to focus on. It leads us to the truth.”
But a skeptic could disagree with the anomaly hunters, insisting that the object is nothing but a Mars rock. However, advocates of the theory of ancient Mars life would consider the “set of teeth” a dead giveaway.
Since when did rocks start sprouting teeth?
Besides, there is a ready answer, in theory, to the assertion that the object is nothing but a rock. The process of preservation of animal skeletal remains, known as “fossilization,” often involves a process termed “petrification,” or more accurately, “mineral replacement.”
Mineral replacement involves substitution of bone minerals with minerals derived from the soil or Earth’s crust. Thus, in a sense, fossil bones are rocks. What makes a fossil identifiable from ordinary rocks is the preservation of the features and structure of the animal skeleton even after the bone mineral has been completely leeched and replaced by minerals from the Earth’s crust.
With that in mind, take a closer look at the “fossil.” Is this a “rock” resembling a dinosaur skull by chance or the fossilized remains of an animal that once lived on the planet Mars?
Don’t expect to be able to identify the “rock” as a fossilized skull through direct comparison with the fossilized skull of an Earth dinosaur. The anomaly hunters state that the object in the photo looks like the skull of a T. rex; they do not say that it is a T. rex.
If dinosaurs once walked the surface of the planet Mars, they could have resembled Earth species while being distinct Mars species.
This is not the first time that Mars anomaly hunters have claimed they found fossilized remains of Mars dinosaurs in Mars Curiosity Rover photos. In February, 2013, YouTube Mars anomaly hunters Alien Disclosure Group caused a stir with the discovery of rock structures similar to fossilized remains of dinosaur vertebrae in a Mars Curiosity Rover photo.
The original NASA photo in which the discovery was made may be viewed here .
The YouTube video below provides close-ups of the structure that anomaly hunters described as the vertebrae of “an unknown creature that may have roamed the Martian surface thousands of years ago.”
But skeptics continue to dismiss the evidence being presented by anomaly hunters, attributing the discoveries to a psychological phenomenon called pareidolia , in which the brain, seeking to make sense of random stimuli, imposes a significant interpretation derived from experience.