Keyanna Monson and Samantha Eldredge, both 16, packed their bags and mysteriously vanished from their homes on January 28. The two missing girls reportedly told a friend of their plan to leave town, however, they did not give a detailed explanation for why they’d make such a shocking, abrupt decision.
Now, after paying close attention to detail, investigators have reportedly found a number of clues that may explain why the girls are missing and where they may be going. Police in Washington state have growing speculation and fears that the two missing girls could be victims of sex trafficking, reports the Daily Mail .
Janée Call, a close friend to the Monson family, contacted KIRO-TV with an update about the case . Monson’s cell phone was discovered after she went missing. After skimming through the phone, her mother noticed a number of social media apps, like Zoosk and Kik. Although social media apps aren’t uncommon, sites like Zoosk aren’t exactly suitable for a 16-year-old girl. Other sites like Facebook and Kik can also be potentially dangerous because sex offenders have been known to use social media to lure teens.
Apparently, Keyanna had been conversing with older men who contacted her through the mobile apps. Although no details about the conversations have been revealed, it’s probably safe to say the dialogue was inappropriate because an older man should not have been conversing with the teen to begin with. Authorities also insist substantial evidence may suggest that the girls could be around hotels in the Puget Sound region. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell if they are still together or not.
Shari Ireton, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff’s Office, released a brief statement about the significance of the girl’s cell phone history, which leads authorities to believe sex trafficking could be possibility.
“With sex trafficking usually comes a bevy of other crimes– usually drug abuse, physical abuse, sexual assault– so pulling them out of that world as quickly as possible is what we’re aiming for,” Ireton said.
The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office is asking anyone with information that may help this case to call 911 immediately, or contact the anonymous tip line at 425-388-3845.
[Image(s) via Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office]