Sydney Spies, a teenager from Durango, Colorado is vowing to fight her school’s yearbook committee over a racy photo they prevented her from using.
Spies is a senior at Durango High School and she is going to fight the High School Administration over her desire to use a revealing photo for her as her school portrait. One issue is that it wasn’t the administration that banned the picture, but the yearbook committee.
“We are an award-winning yearbook. We don’t want to diminish the quality with something that can be seen as unprofessional,” student Brian Jaramillo told the Durango Herald.
Spies was joined by her mother and a group of other students who decided to protest outside the school for the freedom to use the picture as her Senior Portrait.
“I feel like they aren’t allowing me to have my freedom of expression,” Spies told the Herald. ”I think the administration is wrong in this situation, and I don’t want this to happen to other people.”
The school answered back by saying the photo is in violation of the dress code, but they offered a compromise to allow her to include the picture as her Senior Ad. A compromise she rejected out of hand.
The Durango Administration issued this statement to ABC news .
“The editors of Durango High School’s yearbook informed a senior student in December that her photo in question would not be included as a senior portrait in the yearbook and asked her to submit a replacement. Durango School District 9-R’s administration supports this decision.”
Spies is currently meeting with an attorney to determine if there is a civil case to be pressed against the school.
Do you think Sydney Spies is really fighting the good fight or just looking for her fifteen minutes of fame?