Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans has been keeping a low profile over the past couple of days, as she is dealing with the backlash over a video that showed her saying some horrible things. On Twitter, Evans is trying to show that she has the best possible relationship with Nathan Griffith. Jenelle is often revealing how happy she is and how well they are doing. But when some of her friends accuse her of lying about their happiness, Evans denies everything.
But Jenelle Evans is now revealing that she is doing well when it comes to her son, Kaiser. On social media networks, Evans is revealing how perfect life is with her second son, but it sounds like some people are questioning whether she is taking good care of the baby. Now, Evans is putting some numbers on it.
According to a new tweet, Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans is revealing that Kaiser is growing exactly as expected. In fact, Evans is proud to say that she and Nathan are doing something right when it comes to taking care of this little baby.
“Kai is a healthy 6 month old! He is in the 75% for his height, weight, and head circumference. We must be doing something right,” Jenelle Evans tweeted this week after returning home from a doctor’s appointment.
But there are many aspects to her life that Jenelle shouldn’t be bragging about. One of those is the controversial video that surfaced this week, showing Evans yelling at Nathan ‘s brother. Jenelle keeps saying that she wished Nathan’s brother, Noah, had died in combat. Nathan is obviously upset about these comments.
Things turn violent when Evans mentions that someone’s friend died in combat, and that she is happy this death happened. Clearly, Jenelle Evans was just saying whatever possible to hurt someone, and she later apologized.
Last year, Jenelle was also caught up in other scandals, including having Child Protective Services come to the home. Many Twitter followers felt that she had beaten her child, and these people demanded that a check-up be done at the home. In addition, Evans was caught smoking while breastfeeding little Kaiser, according to the Inquisitr .
While Jenelle appears to be proud with their performance as parents, Kaiser’s measurements aren’t all that matters. His overall environment should also be taken into consideration, and him hearing his mother yelling at his father about wishing Nathan’s brother dead isn’t a healthy environment.
What do you think of Jenelle Evans’ proud tweet?
[Image via Twitter]